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You know that I am back at school, started grants for a couple of weeks. Since I am back on campus and in traditional dorm room, the residence hall, I wanted to share with you all perspective records, students, incoming freshmen transfer students. Maybe you're just curious to see what our dorm rooms look like here at Rutgers. Wouldn't let him show you what comes in a standard double and single room. I do also want to say I have been to records new work and Rutgers Camden. So I do know what those rooms also come with, and it's pretty standard across the board for wreckers. As far as everything else, it's pretty standard. Okay, so I'm in one of these single rooms here. How's this? Do you want to just let you know? Of course. The science might be different, but I have some rooms. If you are looking today as they were, um, kind of looks like you could expect all of that, So yeah. Okay, so just there was a little bit with the lighting. Normally, I told you it's not the best you know, what about the bags? They are swimming show. Well, I'm 55 is so stop your gauge, but this is what standard or troubles with. Okay, so you can expect to get some sort of Justin er, this one just has 12345 Jurors are expecting a cluster of some sort, and I'm standing next to conceive the how tall it is. I so have a weird angle just because I didn't want to show you how tall stress it is. A lot of the workers with lots of groups come with these dressers on. See Constand, See? And you know what species that most facing up, Not people. Six clothes like me, but on the bar, like she never So, yeah, that's what the on war looks like. I don't know if that is what closet means in French. Okay, this actually goes through it clean, but okay. My very first freezer sport holding off campus is camping people your friends just really gay. So everyone who comes with that no matter your matter of your seat or double get when my coverage. Sure, Yeah, believe that home your furniture that the rooms come standard with. So I will take you to know that so you can see comparison to the sides and how the furniture's kind of set up when you first get here. I do want to mention that this is a special case kind of room because, like I mentioned when I first introduced you to the other, your room sizes are very based on a little day. So if you can get a look at the four pan for floor plan online, make sure you do that. This concept of just let me show you have a furniture kind of looks the first come in and have a really great This is how I guess clean. Like our election, this is a special case just because, as you can see, there are two closets built in to one team. This is not a country with your room because we're building older, building something that this year there are in the newer buildings. Yeah, there's not really much else to There's not much else to share. I shall join all the specific furniture, and the single that all comes in a double room is Well, you may or may not have a mirror show you. Not all the rooms come with mirrors, but some of them do. So this is basically what a double here records looks like. It looks very similar to any of the other Camden and you work. I hope this gave you a little bit of insight into what you can expect in your dorm room. If you just love watching my videos, I know there's always that you never want to report. Give it a like leading a comment when you know what you think about the dorms you saw and subscribe. Obviously check out other college videos if you're interested. I'll see you in my next video by get a photo booth.