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What's up, you guys? Today is Wednesday, August 28th. It's current 7 55 so I'm doing really, really great time as you have. So I'm just having my maple syrup boat meal, a little Q t and then my coffee, and also to just so you guys know I don't have a security or anything. So today I'm actually really excited because I only have two classes. Expect another good thing that they're both on l. A cop today, so I don't have to go to the academic spine, which makes me really happy. Um, after class today, I think I'm gonna come back to my room instead of a library, just like unlike really, make sure I'm keeping up with my stuff, getting everything done. So I'm kind of kind of a busy day, but less than what was yesterday. Only because I know if I don't get a nap, I'm just gonna be exhausted. It's not gonna be good, So yeah, that's what my day is looking like. Just to make sure I'm organized before my day actually starts, right? So basically just made myself some lunch. This is what it's looking like, but honestly, was not that bad. I still have a little bit more to go, but it is currently 3 30 I have to go to work out for and so I'm basically just are getting ready. This is what I have So far, I do get off at nine, so it won't be too difficult to just come back and finish up the rest of the chapter after work. It is due tomorrow or what does not necessarily do, but she's gonna go over the left, your four chapter one starting tomorrow. I'm not sure I'll walk today when things are my busiest days. I don't know how much you just because we're going, going, but yeah, So I just want to show you guys my outfit for today on one saves me dress business professionals. So just getting off work looking dusty Oh, I don't even know if I'm tired. I don't even know it's almost 1 31 28 Um, I'm making myself a bacon, egg and cheese right now, which is mad, awkward and random, but they only eat, so Okay, so I decided to go ahead and make my breakfast sandwich since I'm hungry. Today I have a super like their classes going to classes. I do not work tonight so that I did it because, um, I'm tired. Are you guys? I have no idea how I ended up actually waking up on time, but I did so yet on my class anyway, though after the day decided to little space whatever you wanna call him, just so I can see T shirt or dress shirt. So I just first day first craft was my MG Q. Which statistics? Recitation for those who don't know a recitation is basically kind of like a supplemental to your lecture on, and it's really important that I go. I didn't make my bid like my room was a mess right now, Um, like I said last night, I worked until 1 a.m. So, honey, I'm doing good to even be up in, like, dressed and ready for life. You like eight or nine to get my sleep back? Originally told myself I would never study in here because I just feel like it's just grody. I definitely don't feel going downstairs, so I'm just gonna study in here today. Um, so I just slip for what, like four and 1/2 hours? I mean, considering the fact that I did work last night from 8 p.m. To one end, it makes sense because I lost a lot of sleep, like last night only got maybe three or four hours of sleep. One I'm not really supposed to be giving our groups or whatever, like, because we are wearing groups for that glass. So the first class I read on the service was meeting in our group's getting to know everyone. So I missed that, and that kind of kind of annoys me because, I mean, it's just off to a bad start, and I don't like that, but I can't get back time for how it works. Yeah, I'm a C if I if our groups are listed in, like the blackboard like he learns, um, and if they are against the email, my group and just let them know I'm still coming or whatever. Oh, um, so right now, So it's 5 30 Most of my work, honestly for the rest of the week is doing So is Thursday all my homework is done for today. I have, like, a little bit of work to do for tomorrow's class is little stuff. Today I have to clap two classes, two glasses this and then work it for and yeah, I thought today's gonna be a chill day is gonna be a day after that kind of had a mental breakdown, Just about life in general. Um, because I'm just so busy I have a lot going on, but it's gonna be okay. So on my way back to my dorm from class, I was listening to Jonathan MacDonald Saw make room. Well, his song make room and I was like, You know what? I really want to cover that song. I'm gonna open a garage band in the second, then the USB linked over here to my audio interface. So you're gonna hear the sound through my speaker as I play it out instead of me, Like putting it into the camera, and you can hear it. Um, yeah, I'm not gonna, um I put the boom on it. Hey, Tonto, I just want to be here for the rest of the day. I just have one more class, and then I have work from for tonight, so pretty basic. I'm gonna be posting ah, lot of college related in just lifestyle life style videos in general to make sure you're saying to to the channel I make you guys a tomb for my very next video.