Back to School 2019| College Move in Day| University at Buffalo| my first apartment

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What's up, You guys welcome back to another video. My name is about freedom from Regent University Buffalo studying accounting and guys today It's moving day. I'm so excited because this video is my move out of this disgusting dorm into my very first apartment. That stuff is basically all go into the trash dirty clothes. Have to clear this stuff at my drum set with, like, my kitchen stuff. This some new stuff that I thought, which is what I showed the beginning of the log. This is some cleaning stuff I'm gonna take over their 1st 1 Clean the space to make sure it's ready some extra, like food stuff over there, and this is where all of my clothes and shoes are as well over here. Let me just explain a little bit, since I know most college moving day plugs are like the traditional, you know, moving out of your house into a dorm space with people like saying by their dogs and stuff like that. Like I said, I am a junior and I've been living in the dorm since I moved here freshman year, and it's been disgusting. It's it's it's been a trial and tribulation you know, we got to do what we got. Freshman year I moved in and I lived in that dorm and most college students. During the summer, I had to move to another dorm and then sophomore year moved to another dorm, and then this summer I lived in this storm, so I'm just sick of dorms like I was over it. Today I'm moving into my apartment because that's what kind of just wanted to explain it. So you guys understand why I'm not moving from, like, home or anything like that? Yeah, I'm just really, really excited. It's gonna take me a duty a lot of time to get it all done because you guys saw in that little paying through the room. Have a lot more stuff than the traditional college student. I recommend you should clean your space before you move into it. So I know that all spaces are clean before residents moved in. So I'd rather know that it's clean my way. So right now I'm headed over to the apartment to check in and then start cleaning after I'm done cleaning Venal service. Don't know how I'm gonna organize it just yet, But that's that. I don't get charged, and yeah, that's the move right now. So let me head back out to my car to grab all of my cleaning stuff and basically just get to work after auditioning like the most important part is the fact that my apartment's is right over the lake and I have two windows. As a matter of fact, I take you guys out there because there is kind of gravity because it is kind of like a patio. I don't know yet because I don't want people. Basically, now comes the process of going back important up and down my dorm to get all my stuff into my car. It's probably gonna take a couple of trips, so yeah, that's we're doing next. I'm gonna just yet, but I need to figure it out because I got okay there. Mac and cheese, like literally Panera Mac and cheese stuff is so good. Well, let let's give it, and I'm gonna do what I normally do in my dorm. I just have a piece of paper towel and, you know, be a trooper and pull out. I have a lot of postwar Think I'm saying earlier in this video, just case if I didn't basically I'm just re washing all of my clothes to make sure they're, like, fresh and stuff like that. So as you can see, I don't know what I'm doing, Huh? Q. It literally said, Don't put up with this Russian there. You know, I was like, You know what? He's gonna do it. Anyway, I know, like in here, it isn't look like I made any progress at all. As you can see, I still have a lot of stuff laying around, but I didn't make some progress. I did start putting away like my food type stuff that I have there that's like oils and things that I cook with up there in the need of some dishes that wants to get in a wash. I did start getting some of my bathroom stuff together, so that's our petty needed. Shark your initial before and then just stuff around my sink area My bed. I know it's only like around nine o'clock, but or almost nine o'clock, but I was exhausted like I can't take it anymore.