And just like every series, this comes to an end too!

The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
So I'm glad you made it to the last day of the Siri's. Uh, I really hope they weren't that boring and that you've got a decent idea off your bay. A video series is in no way of the biggest factor and decide if the university is for you or not. I hope you can figure it out through the seas off videos if it leased the university is a decent effort for you. I have tried to give you a good idea of the landscape of the university, at least off the not campus. In my experience, a great way to get to know more about the university is to contact the students there and have a nice shot with them. I mean, ah, if the students are willing to give you honest answers, Andi all said and done you B is an extremely welcoming place on DH. You can meet us the shot that you have an amazing time here. My roommates have Bean agreed contributors in this series.