Back to School 2019| scheduling college classes, University at Buffalo, Accounting major, junior

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Of course, as you can see by the title of today's video, I'm gonna be sharing with you guys. Whether you're a general business major or accounting major, you take basically the same prerequisite course is now moving on to what is called the upper level management courses. So when I sat down to speak with my academic advisor, which is something you're gonna have to do every semester here at the university. It was my academic advisor is suggestion that I don't take any more than two counting courses each semester. Now, even though I do have to take accounting course specifically dealer general business required classes that I have to take and all that the talking is out of the way. To be completely honest, I decided to list these classes from the ones I think I'm gonna hate the most to the ones I'm gonna like the most. So we're gonna start with the classes that I think I'm gonna hate the most and then move on from pair. So my first class is gonna be statistical decisions and management, which, honestly, is just a fancy way of saying Skype for business. So just like last year, this stats course is online. I believe this course has maybe like 400 for 500 students in roles, but the actual in person lecture is just gonna be 40 people, and I have that every Tuesday and Thursday from 11 a.m. To 12:20 p.m. That's right. So that's Class's Production and operations management, which is NGO 302 This one is a completely online course, which I'm not too excited for, because like I said, in the past, I haven't had the best success with online courses. Essentially, this course just introduces the process, these tools and aspects of the production and operations, portions of the business and that sound like a mouthful. I honestly, I just feel like it's gonna be like manufacturing, I guess, because I mean in reference to the production in operation. Honestly, I don't think I'm gonna hate the class, but I know it's not gonna be my favorite. Okay, so then that's class doesn't necessarily have too much to do with accounting in general, but I actually think I'm gonna like it a lot, and that is human. Resource is management and labor relations for managers, which is once again just a fancy way of saying like human resource is HR. So this one is also known as N G I 301 So this course actually has a lecture component as well as a recitation component. So the left for this class is gonna be every Tuesday and Thursday from 12. 30 to 1 50 the recitation for the class is gonna be on Thursdays from 5 p.m. To 5 50 Now, my favorite part about this course is the fact that it is a 350 person lectures. This course is just gonna focus on the functions of HR, which is like, selection, development, compensation, you know, things like that. So the next course is called Career Connections two with specific for accounting. I am kind of excited for the course because as an accounting student doesn't do want to get my feet wet with some really good accounting internships. This course once again has a lecture component in the recitation component. So the first half of the semester is gonna be the lecture component, which is every Tuesday and Thursday from 8 to 9 20 in the morning. In the second half of the semester is gonna be the recitation, which will be on Thursdays from 8 to 9 20 in the morning. I remember last year when taking the first half of this course it even though it was a big lecture, still often has he broke off into smaller groups and we actually had to do work, which was tiring. I'm taking a total of six courses a semester in the four that I just talked about. All the general business courses that I'll still have to take as an accounting major over the last two courses I'm gonna be talking about are specifically accounting courses now this 1st 1 I don't really think I'm gonna like it that much, and that's because I love watching. It's basically like spats, but for accounting, and it sounds hard, and I don't think I'm gonna like it, but I know it's gonna be super duper helpful for once. I actually am out in the field of counting, but this course is also known as MG A 3 11 Once again, this one has a lecture in a recitation component. The lecture is every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from a T M. To 8 50 In the recitation is every Friday from ADM. T. 8 50 This one is a smaller course. It is just a 28 person lecture, and so essentially the course examines both the manual and computer based accounting systems for different types of firms. Because of that, the course delves deep into exile functions, which is good because I'm actually really proficient and excel. It's definitely gonna require a lot of my time. It's just something I'm gonna have to work into my schedule to make sure I'm getting the assignments done properly. So the last course I'm gonna be talking about, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna like it a lot. That is intermediate financial accounting one assets and income determination, of course, is also known as MG a 301 I'm gonna have it every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 p.m. To 4 50 It is a smaller lecture again. It's only 35 people, but honestly, I still think I'm gonna like it a lot. Of course, I go to church on Sundays, but I don't have class on Sunday, so that's not exactly you know, a part of this video. Gonna be Mondays and Wednesdays from 4 p.m. To 8 30 Fridays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. So really easy ships. If you haven't done so already, make sure you guys were staying tuned for all the rest of the videos that I'm gonna be posting in this back to school.