Back to School 2019| what college was really like for me, freshman and sophomore year recap

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So I'm introducing a new video Siri's machine was actually really excited, for It's gonna be called back to school, which isn't necessarily the most unique title, but still need to chill in the sense that I've never done a series like this before. I know for sure that I don't want to accept the title college YouTuber, and that's because I feel like college tubers if they post any other form of content, then college content that it just doesn't get any love. So I don't want to put into a box of college youtuber definitely like a lifestyle you to work and because of the fact that I am in college at the moment, a lot of my views do revolve around college content. I don't want to accept the title ecology tuber, But I'm go for the title of Christian ritual. This is a bit long overdue for a fact that I really want to do One freshman and sophomore year. Actually, I wanted to hear one fall in spring of both years um, life kind of just, like, hit me like a bus. This false are both my freshman year and myself here so that we have as getting better, General, what is actually going to be like, So in this video series, I'm gonna be having a large contact coming out turns up. I really wanted to a campus tour for the guys who wanna know campus looks like, but have never actually coming towards campus itself. I wanted to be with you in a one do shopping at school. No matter what the major is in college, I have to get the requisite courses first, which they have to do freshman and soft here. So freshman sophomore year, our panel feet What? Figure out what you want to do and then by junior here you have a better idea of what you want to do. In the future, but the three wrecks are basically the same, no matter what made you are, but specifically referring to School of Management here at U V. Is that what you're a general business major when accounting major, your P Rex or the sexy? Which means it ever wanted to switch to accounting by junior year? You can. If you ever want to switch to general business, you can without any problems where, as you want to go to something like in the medical field a little bit more difficult free for the rear exit. Here's university above, below the accounting major in separately, which I'm not sure how schools but you're you. I'm doing good, I'm feeling, but college kind of once again hit me like a bus, and I wasn't expecting course is very, very good cold. When I got to college, fall semester, I'm over here getting like seasoned bees. Your direct course is you just have to have a 2.5. Literally My first semester in college thinking I'm gonna do great. I didn't even letting me know that I want cute. I'm still taking margin prerequisite courses and thinking to myself, OK, not a big deal just talks back. It's now fall semester of 2018 and I decided on my own without talking to my academic advisor, which you should never have you to myself in all the courses that I needed to find so awesome, its 2018 I ended up myself in like six or seven forces, which once again you should not do what I did it to myself and it was terrible. I don't know why I was putting so much of myself, I think because of where I was act at the time of the mental health, along with just wanted to be done with school. Kind of just said, you know what? Who cares? I don't care. Of course we need to take her out and call it a day. I would actually say to myself, I know I'm gonna get a zero today on that quits. I know I'm gonna get a zero on that test because I don't want to take it, and I don't care. So I open this email and it lets me know that I've been dropped from the accounting moved in place in the general business major for the spring semester when I say my heart dropped Who, uh, that was rough. That conversation was hard, so she let me know straight up during freshman year were on academic probation in Now your sophomore year. We were waiting for your great to come back so we can figure out what to do for the rest of your school years. My grandson, my scholarship number two was like, you know, of course, that I was dropping the accounting major and the last one was that there was a possibility that I might have to. A few hours later, my academic advisor email me and let me know. Okay, so finally spring semester of 29 sophomore here, which is literally being naked or break it for my college career. I was thinking to myself, in my head, like how a girl, you know, that was hard. How are you gonna turn into? And so she said to me, You know what? Normally when people tell me that they can take it and turn it into a be countless. I don't believe it, but for some reason, I meet you and I actually think you're gonna get a But they're gonna be people in your life that are there to encourage that when you don't believe in yourself in that belief in you is sometimes you sure that you don't have on your own, but because of the support, the love, the encouragement of others, you're able to do it. That's why all the time you need, I need to be around, which is also why I am very, very good for my church, because I know that I wouldn't have anything to do it without them. She believed in me when I didn't know myself when I wanted to drop out, she told me No, I believe you do this. If you're at the place of feeling like you just want to drop out of college, it's like in general. You'll hear this message and you'll say, You know what? I can't do it and I'm gonna keep trying to make it look, I'm not gonna let go until I see the excess of effort yet. Even though I just kind of ran through two years of college, I hope you guys enjoyed it.