University at Buffalo Campus Tour| Back to School 2019

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If you're going to the channel how's it going? My name is at university studying accounting. As you guys know, I'm currently in a back to school Siris on my channel where basically I'm sharing with you guys. You guys talking things out, sharing personal stories, and in this video, I want to switch it up, just give you guys a little bit of different content and give you guys a campus tour. So in this video, I want to give you guys more than just that, Like cookie cutter look that you would get if you came into the campus normally and kind of give you guys an in depth look what the campus is actually gonna be like from to study spaces with passengers were like campus life in general. One of my favorite things about you campus is the fact that you use here are gorgeous, So be big. University State on campus for campus dormitories for apartments and talking too much about Greenlee Booth. First Residence Hall is governors is here only residence hall. I have a lot of amazing works that you would get elsewhere on campus. The downside to it is that you could only hear your sophomore year and you have to live in a group before because of the fact that it's set up apartment style in a quad. So I'm currently standing on helicopter right now, which is the biggest residents call on campus. You can actually live here all four years of your undergraduate study, and the halls range from Quarter Fargo red jackets, balding Richmond and looks. Three residence halls that I just mentioned are all on campus, and the last two are excellent. We'll be going South campus today because I just don't feel like it. Problems, for example, is located in Richmond Study Center, a dining center, a food court and even in academics. Okay, you guys, now we're seeing at the football stadium. Which is, of course, where all of the different sporting place we have the basketball floor of a fitness, an indoor pool, fitness rooms as well. Okay, you guys, this is the Center for the Arts, also known as C F K. This is where all of like the theater based classes courses in events take place as well as like career and job fairs. Come here is well and honestly, this is just another really great place on campus where you can come and relax and study with your friends. So we're now in the student union, just like any other school. The student union is where you get a lot of different dining options. Here in the Student union, there are also a lot of different studies. Faces come here with a group of friends, get some work done. There are few plus rooms, a few theatres for different things that take place here and across the way of the student union is what is known as the comments over at the Commons. Of course, there's a Starbucks because everybody students need their coffees right outside the student union And behind me is the academics. From here, you can get all of your classes right behind me is keeping hall keeping. In here is the financial aid Office, the office for student accounts. I want to take you guys up to the third floor, which is where the Silberman library is located. It's more so just a library to come to do group and side study. So the room that I'm in right now is what's called a good study room. There's also the seven study room, a lot of different spaces and really nice views. This is actually one of my favorite places to come and study. It's really, really difficult to find a spot here after like news, so typically end upsetting somewhere else. This is typically where study something because there are doesn't made it for sports a little cubicle so you can have your own space. As you guys know, I am an accounting student, which is part of the school of management here. So I'm gonna show you guys through the Jacobs Management Center as well as the Fear Center. So I'm actually really excited because now that I am in 30 or county student here at the University of Buffalo, most of my class days are gonna be taking place in this building, which means I'm gonna be spending a lot of time here. We have a lot of group and personal study spaces, of course, Classrooms, the academic advising center as well as the undergraduate learning community, which basically just provide service is such as like tutoring, resume, fatigue, jobs, that sort of thing I have for this video. I hope you guys enjoyed seeing a campus tour more from the perspective of a student as close to a student tour guide. If you guys enjoyed it, makes you, like, coming and subscribe. You too makes you guys staying tuned for all the rest of the videos that I'm gonna be posting in this back to school. I will see you guys in the next one, and until then, please Always remember to be kind to everyone.