Shubh interviews Alexis on what she thinks about UB

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So I'm over Alexis off my classmate from last semester on. We're just sitting here in my favorite building, which is the Center for the Arts. I, I'm gonna ask her quickly a few questions so she can give her views about your being. Alexis, can you introduce yourself and explain why you chose you? B. Come on, Alexis. I chose you be because it's close to where I live and also because it was financially the most like the best option. You just have no student body, you'd be everyone's really friendly. But still major on what would you say is like the academic lime mint in your classes in the major? You enjoy that. Um, so I'm a business major, and most classes are elections right now, because I'm not taking like John and Constance, but I have a lot of smaller classes, too. Um, for the most part, they're not too bad. Okay. What's your fear it on the chair by the fear me, My favorite part of you B is living in the dorms because it's really close to all my classes and all my friends are there. Is Polly trying to get lunch during the day? Because there's so many people like the size of you little bags gets a little crowded. You can only find that's not too, by the way, both the fistic. This class last master was God like Frank's up media bias on DH all. If you're going to have to choose like, apart, of course. I, I would highly recommend you to choose it because you get off.