Back to School 2019| tips on how to be a good student

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If you're new to the channel, how's it going? My name is about to read, and I'm currently a junior at the University at Buffalo studying accounting. So as you guys know, I'm doing a video series on my channel entitled Back to School. I am gonna be pushing out a lot of content for you guys. Okay, so my first hip piece of advice is to have a good work. Honestly, in college, you're never actually going to feel like doing the work. You're never gonna just wake up one day and be like, I cannot wait to get to this homework. College is gonna be a breeze for you you know, that's something that you need to work on. You might wanna start working on that now, before you get to college, but essentially have a really good work. Meaning once I know I have an assignment that needs to be done, I'm like, right on it, getting it done. Okay, In some of your classes, your study method might work perfect or other classes. So you kind of just have to gauge your classes, engaged how you feel in those classes so that you know what works and what doesn't. Some components of your study method are gonna clue, like playlist. Nothing to think about is Do you like to study alone or in groups of people? Another thing is your study space for me. There are course libraries, but there's different levels in the library's one level might be group study. Study always good for this city because I need it completely quiet when I'm studying, talking just stone and focus on my work. So most of the time I don't eat while studying because it's another thing that distracts me. So typically I eat before I study to make sure that my mind isn't focused, you know, being starving at the moment. So the next really, really big one for college is time manage. Trust me, managing your time is about to be your number one priority in terms of college science says that it takes 30 days to get a make or break, which he is. It's gonna take you some time before your body just get used to doing one thing. You're gonna need to get to the routine of doing the same thing so that you're not all over. In whatever you do, you're gonna need to make a schedule and actually stick to it. Whatever your schedule, make sure, actually fitting in everything that you need to fit in and that way you're actually following it. Of course, you're in school for school learning, but still your brain is gonna need some for me. I don't know why, but organizing things just really puts my mind at ease, so it can literally be anything. You have to find something to take your mind off edge when you're working super duper hard 100 per se. So starting with the body I really love working out More specifically I like working out morning so that my body is Is it ready for my day? Is the light in my eye on camera like next year? Mine. Of course, listening to music is really helpful when I want to be stressed. I never bring my car because, you know, I always guessed I don't take the bus mainly because it actually runs slow. Of course, as you guys know, I'm very, very feet about my feet. Actually, I don't know about ever said it, but I'm a Pentecostal Christian or Apostol. Transformation Nation, which is not just like their church, but it's literally a movement like it's different, so I don't want to make this video about that, but just know that definitely feeds my soul, and it keeps me grounded while here. It's gonna be a lot of hard, difficult for you to get the help that you just try and build in 19 good relationships with your faster is to make your life. My last and final step is one that I'm kind of still working on an almost struggling with because how I am, so to speak. You definitely need friends, and you need community because there will be times when you have bubbles and you'll need people around you to kind of help you. I mean, I know some friends from high school who also here sometimes we talk and definitely course meet you guys who watched my channel, which is really, really cool. I don't necessarily have a circle of friends or like a group of friends here at my school, too, just like hang out with a study with, you know, do things live with. That's like I said something that I'm working on because I know how valuable and important it is to have a community, my advice and tipped you guys don't be like me. Then watch how they change your outlook of college and watch how they change your college experience. If you didn't like coming and subscribe so already, make sure saying to him for all the rest of the videos that are gonna be included in this back to school.