Back to School 2019| University at Buffalo/College Q&A

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You guys didn't know? I'm currently in a new series which is entitled Back to School 2019 which is literally just information for you guys as you're heading back to college, in universities or wherever else you go. Where is the Florida travel log? I'm sorry, but you guys aren't gonna get one out into eclipse right now from the trip, people like I wanted to make it a cute fun summer blood work out like that. I think August 27th is my first class is insane, but it's also really, really excited to get back to doing school, getting back to my routine of things without further ado. I've been getting a lot of questions about my school and about college generals from you guys who are, like, in high school. Still, and we'll be entering school soon, which is understandable, because when I was going to college, I had a lot of questions on, and I wanted a lot of answers, so I definitely understand. I'm just gonna run the impression that a lot of people have been asking me, and I also added some questions, but I think some people would want to know. Yeah, we're just gonna eat, run through this first question is one of the dorms, like other schools, do their students really well. Any other school in America? Dorms then you get to you be in. Another thing is like even when you do come off course, you're gonna be on the middle plans you're gonna be eating on campus a lot, but as much as you can find, like its core the horizons I go off campus every now and again over something like that, just go explore a little bit. They played because I thought this thing was full of people who ask questions in terms of majors here, I'm personally in accounting, major, which is, of course, a part of the school of management. A lot of people ask me about nursing and premed. What I do know is that you actually is an amazing school for both majors. Oh, Bubi is a great school for both of those meteors will also say, is that nowadays colleges more still about where you go. So people ask me often, water classes like you mean like that question? Because I have had a lot of experiences in terms of different types of classes here at the university. I'll say in general, if you have a small lecture here at university, it's gonna be very intimate, meaning your professor is likely gonna know your name. On the flip side of that, if you have a big lecture hall which most of my classes are set up like that, your professor is gonna know your name. It's much more difficult to pay touching for the fact that you're sitting in a lecture hall word you're not being held accountable like most people are sitting phones, text watch movies. I've seen people shop so big lecture halls are good for people like me, but they're bad if you're a person who finds it hard to pay attention. The question is, what is you be like in terms of the environment is amazing for academics were gonna receive some opportunities that you wouldn't get any other schools. You're gonna be looked at as higher because you go to u B U B is a great school. It's social scene sex so social scene that you be sucks but it's still really great school. A lot is people who ask about not just the environment you be, but specifically is your diapers. How many black people go to the university of off for me. It wasn't ideal world school, and we had the urban suburban program which basically took high performing students in lower income communities and brought them to our school. So my sports really diapers, and so my high school showed me that I would never want a school that was full of people. I wanted to go to a school that was like, incredibly diverse. People have even asked me if I've ever experienced racism on campus, and I've never experienced an act of racism. I've never experienced anything, but I definitely do get some looks state or sometime that suggests, How did you get in here for, like, how do you have enough money to pay for this school? You know, I definitely get looks in stairs that's asked that question. You be is so much better than a lot of these other schools specifically down south, that experience acts of racism, even though sometimes I do get stares and looks. People just understand that you, at some point will stick out like a sore thumb if you're black student attending school. Some people have asked me like, Is it easy to transfer? I don't Technically, no, because I didn't transfer here. Your credits will only like transfer if you go to school or if you went to school where the credits transferred. If that makes it so, you just have to be mindful of that that if you went to a school where the credit stone transfer, then you'll have to retake the same classes if you wanted to come too easy. Of course, if you live off campus, your driver walk to class is gonna be different. The last question I'm gonna answer for this video, I guess the most get more questions later is Do I recommend you be off course I was a menu B. I go here, I love it here. Honestly, people ask me sometimes do I regret my decision when I have children to school? I could absolutely not. So if I went to another school, that would have been me stepping outside of his little which I never do. So people ask me sometimes what score do I wish I chose it? Absolutely not. Let me know if you want to see me do more move Ben's than let me know. Make sure my company car that's already make sure you're seeing him for the rest of it is that I'm gonna be posting inspector school Syrian a lot more content coming in my back to school, serious chasing.