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Starting in the spring whether you're going to college years, whether you just want to know about college, I feel like this is some information that you definitely should know before you start. So I know for me personally before I went away to college and have a lot of people in my life have been college recently that we're going to tell me what college was really, really like in present days. I found myself most likely going to YouTube or reading Bloods or other social media to answer my questions off what college is gonna be like and how to prepare myself for what to expect for coach? No, that I definitely wanted to make this video, since it's very broad in will answer. Hopefully your most basic questions about what to expect in college. So what's happening? So my first piece of advice revolves all around your major in college. So in my personal opinion, I don't feel like you should go into college either undecided or undeclared. I feel like if you're undecided or under cleared, at least start out at a community college if you have Absolutely No, I feel like you're just going to college because maybe your parents that you have to or you know what that's like the next step in your adult like then don't go to college like you should just stay at home, figure out what you wanted. Figure out if you're even gonna need college to do what you have to do, just understand that you need to have an actual. Haven't just like floating in the air islands and they're gonna your advisors or whoever put your classes may not even need. Now one good thing about college is that you can kind of have a general idea of what you want to do. For example, if you know, at least you want to go into business. So after your first year, you could decide I definitely want to do marketing. Do not know exactly what you want to do, but it's not okay to step into college like, Well, I don't know what I want to do. Make sure when you step into college, have a general idea. Definitely researching in depth what you want to do so that when you know for sure, not if you want to do it. I know for me, having your roommate was probably the worst part of college. Now, I know for some of you, you may be going away to college with a friend from high school. Have a general idea of what you want to look like off what you want to bring so that you can organize everything properly and everything, obviously is to be sure you pack all of your essentials. I made that such a big weight because college, it's not just like a warning, but they're not gonna be like, Hey, don't do that again. Like high school works like you get a sense that it's not like that in college. When you're not following the guidelines, you want to save money, you're in college. Because trust me, you're gonna hate college if you haven't 8 a.m. Another thing, of course, for your classes to plan by your requirements. Now, of course, this is gonna require that you have a major, which is why my first point was to have a major going into college. The last thing you want to do is taking classes that you just don't need. If you take in terms of a peace Ivy's classes, any types of upper level classes that for make sure you set those scores over, transfer those credits because if you can possibly avoid having to take the same classic college, you're gonna save money in here. We're not in college and in school for no reason. Obviously, Do not bring all your clothes to college like there are do's and don'ts that simply nobody cares what you have on. Now, of course, you do want to have some nice pizza, just in case you're gonna be going to an internship or some sort of professional meeting a job interview. You definitely want to have a nicer clothes, but that shouldn't your entire closet be smart about the clothes that you wear and also issues that you bring. According to that Okay, so next is all about engagement when you're in college. While you're in college, you definitely should be enjoying your time enjoying, you know, being in school and all the amazing things that your school has to offer. A lot of college campuses, whether you know it or not, end up having a lot of amazing people on there talking about different things, having seven hours. From now on, whenever there is a seminar with whoever like someone, I really like where? Even if it's someone I don't really know. I'm gonna go through something because it's just a great experience here with their talk about your speech game works here, working with people like Why? Why not? Also a good thing, too, in terms of the menace to volunteer, your schoolmate do differently community things like around the neighbourhood, cleaning up schools or cleaning up streets for planting gardens, different types of volunteer opportunities. So the next piece of advice I have for you guys is all about working having a job times out of 10 years, most likely a college student, and you need the money. There's gonna be things that you're gonna want to do while you're in college. Can't find a campus cop to try and find something as close to your this last piece of advice you guys is understanding and graded in your mind how expensive college is. I'm just taking classes that you don't like wasting money, actually land that you don't want todo anyway, just for the money. Your time college is such a big commitment cannot just also to make sure you're not only more than what you need, obviously, you know, probably end up having to take out student loans. I said I'm definitely gonna end up making a few more college advice videos that you guys need.