Student Interviews

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I just Rutger's because they have great business. My major is business analytics and information technology. What would you say? Your favorite and least favorite part of Rutgers is? My favorite part of Rutgers is the diversity. Has a lot of races on its good Teo be accustomed to that diversity? Uh, my least favorite part is that the four campuses are pretty far away from each other. Teo, to go through each campus, you take a bus right, which takes about five to ten minutes. You got to howl about the student body at your school. How would you describe that? The great great student body, right? Ran friendly. Everyone's open, uh, looking to make friends help out in any way. You introduce yourself and tell me your major major information technology business. Why would you say you chose Rutgers University to mean weapons is just the ground? Students are small, so I can't deal with people, and it's just us Nice. Oh, that your favorite part of Rutgers for so many people in connection with a future. So what would your least favorite part about this corporate far.