Student Interview at Brower Commons Part 2

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They're so full of kind of made a whole town of people, whole ton of clubs, like just so much variety that you can hi utilize in order to go to your education. Then it sort of separated again in his five campuses. So when you're living on College Avenue, it doesn't feel like the entire university is there. So it sort of like the best of both worlds of a big and a small school. Rockers What do your biggest cons gripes and groans about workers. So my biggest con is that as one that's a religion major, Rutgers doesn't really provide provide a lot of like theology courses. So I'm sort of interested in, like Christian theology, out loves do like anything like Judaism and Islam. A lot of the courses that focus on those Western religions ones are certain relevant to us are usually more like a historical or analysis like you can't really study about, like, the police of those areas. Uh, well, the all pan like you doing Justine Eastern religions. We actually do have a great department for that play. It turns of me wanting to sort of want to take class in Christian theology. Well, thank you so much for your insight that you're welcome.