Student Interview at Brower Commons

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So I'm a junior rockers studying religion in history. Why'd you choose Rutgers? Why did choose Roger's so a big part of Wijers Rutgers is because I come from like, a rule ish, How many drive everywhere. I wanted to go to like, a city school, but I was sort of unsure whether I'd be a little within the city so far about rockers. So they each have like they're different little thing to it. You know, you have college app where I live on which is more Citi Field. There's also Douglas, which is more rural living stand, which is like a suburban kind of vibe. Bush, which is also figures area more like my hometown, actually. Hi. So I sort of knew that he got tired of the city. I still feel like I'm in a completely new environment. So what do you like most about university? Uh, what are like most about University. I mean, so I like the five campus systems, one of my favorite parts plane. Another thing I really like that university is just how, honestly, how big it is and then also how segment.