Livingston Plaza tour!

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So as I walked towards the Livingston Plaza right over right over the fence, there is what we call it the rack, the Rutgers Athletic Center. That's where we play all the basketball games. I've been there and it's loud and it's fun. It's not that some of the huge basketball arenas it's pretty small, but all students get in. One cool perk about being a Rutgers student is you get into all the sports games for free. You see the night before going your phone, get a ticket, downloads the app completely afraid. I've never had a problem not getting into a game. So I'm entering the Livingston Plaza right now. A CZ You can see right there is what we call Henry's Diner. They're actually technically a part of Rutgers campus, and it's a great diner. All the food there is good, And you could use a meal swipe party your meal plan because it feels right there and get real food and every single meal had. There's absolutely amazing, highly recommended strawberry milkshakes of the best. Uh, as you can see, we're walking past one of the entrances to the living departments, which are above the linens departments are for upperclassmen that wanted still live on campus but have it off campus field. Going down the Strip, a Rutgers Plaza at the Livingston Plaza. Next to that, we have Kilmer's market, which, like a supermarket sandwich shop combo, is a kind of convenience store. They don't have everything you're looking for. Uh, Kilmer's market also takes dining dollars, which are part of your meal plan. Um, so you go in there, get a sandwich or a bottle of water or shampoo and no use your dining dollars, which is nice. You have tightened Key, which is the Rutgers sponsored technology store they have. There every need people there, very nice and knowledgeable. Then right next that We have something called the right height, and that is a haircut spot. As you can see the right cut, it's a haircut spot, and they like a lot of kids that live out of state like I do. They're going to get a haircut somewhere, so have anything yet, But when I need a haircut, I'm gonna go there. There's always people in there, so I'm sure it's pretty good on and then just further down. There's a Starbucks and movie theater and a yogurt shop. I would say that the Livingston campuses probably the second most requested campus to live on. Once you except your admissions offer and you go, Teo, apply for housing. You have to rank your campuses in order to choose which one you want. My number one choice was living stand in my second year of college app, but I'm glad I got the Livingston campus. Right next door, we have something called sixteen handles, which is a frozen yogurt shop. Then the coolest part of things with the entire plaza is called the Rutgers Cinema. That's Ah movie theater on campus, run by students. The movies are super cheap for any Rutgers student, I think during the day. It's like four dollars and you could pop corn, whatever. They have current movies save three theatres, and they change the movies every week out of the show to get there at the Wrecker's Cinema Livingston Plaza.