Housing at Temple

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So in this video, we'LL talk about housing on campus. I'm also gonna talk a little bit of housing off campus and you'LL see why in just a sec, so a temple. There are thirty thousand basically undergraduate students and there's only about six thousand. There's thirteen hundred, which is where I live. I'm on the Honors LLC and thirteen hundred peso thirty hundred, which has sweets, doubles and apartments. Apartments are on the top two floors and the first three or usually sweets. Then I'm like that corner rooms like my room. Then there's the big freshman dorm, which is Johnson and Hardwicke, which attentively to dorms. They're kind of connected, like the buildings connected. A lot of people live there, and those air all doubles with communal bathrooms. Thirteen hundred has bathrooms in the sweet or the double. Then there's nineteen forty, which is another mostly freshman dorm in general, most of the dorms or the on campus living they are for freshman because most people off Camp Bolan state. There's also the towers that is more upperclassmen on because those are apartments. Then there's Whitehall, which is another mostly freshman dorm. This is an another Temple affiliated building is beach. That's more for upperclassmen, and that's a like a block or so off campus. There's also the edge, which is a building that's not owned by Temple. The majority of the floors are temple students and even the floors that aren't for temple students. Temple students do live on those floors, and that's very close campuses just maybe two hundred to five hundred feet away. Then there's another two very close, very luxurious apartments for students. That's the view advantage fantasies actually being currently built right now to be done for the fall. Personally, those air right near the Tech center very close to the student center, so it's very close on campus. There's also the nest, which is being built, and that's into They're kind of like more a luxury apartment, and otherwise there's just a lot of student housing there's University Village. So even though it's not on campus housing, lots of housing is very close to campus. You don't care about safety, because on campus there's blue light systems. So no matter where you live on campus, you need to worry about walking back at night because there's always going to be those blue lights, and there's a lot of police officers ro patrolling, and then I actually patrol whole border around the campus. So if you never living off campus, you don't have to worry about something happening. There's a free shuttle service you can take at night. You couldn't call and then your suede, and then they'LL take you somewhere within the border. So even though the majority of the time you're a temple, you'LL most likely be living off campus. Unless you're in the honors program, you have no guarantee of living on campus all four years. You don't even have a guarantee of living on campus your freshman year, although most freshmen are able to do so.