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There's also Dunkin Donuts, so don't worry if you're not a Starbucks person. Yet there's some great places to eat and shop. You can go hang out with your friends shop, do whatever you want, even if you just need to pass some time. Walk around in so noodles and company is one of my favorite restaurants downtown. I know there's also a fight over Cadeau Perverse Chipotle, but don't worry, we have both all right. Here's fiddlehead, which is another really, really popular restaurant. They have soup, salads, one of my favorite salad places to go. It's custom pizzas where you could go up in line and order it, just like you had to pull a and make your own pizza. Just go right up to the counter and order whatever you like. You can get pen seat apparel, basically on any corner, anything you'd like any sizes. I would recommend stocking up on Penn State Apparel Shop is the family clothes line. They have everything Penn State, literally everything. So this is one of my favorite places to shop downtown because I am always in need of new Penn State clothes. Because the swirls here are literally crazy. It's called the basement, and it's just a club in a bar. A lot of the older kids really like going here.