Madi walks down high street

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I'm gonna show you all the cool places That's downtown. High Street is where, like the good food places are, there's clubs up front up high street. There's fraud threats up high street and that's where front row is. It's a super super steep hill, and there's the CVS, There's a narrow back there. There's churches, dairy queens, not kinds of things that you know there's do. You they have sandwiches and like weird, like milkshakes that are really, really good. I once met the president of the university right here. If you go out there still pipes, that's like a burger place, there's over there. Okay, here is the much Politan theater, and there is a statue of a dude whose name I do not know. Not on DH. He's very enthusiastic to see everyone. There's Cool Ridge, which is like this hippie shop, and it's pretty dope.