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So as you can see, there's bores all around that have the different candidates names on them. They're soon is that passed by that? Give them stickers. As you can see right that giving her a sicker and it's the singers of the candidates names on what position that running for so that students? No. And actually that person that was just giving a sticker, it is this's Tempus, Really? It's ah tour for students who are thinking about coming here. So they get to see the behind the scenes of what it's like to be oh, behind this way. Would you like to tell them a little bit about what's going on out here? Yes, so it's campaign season and election days tomorrow. All of these people are trying to get elected, so it's crazy. Yeah, so the clothing about that is that this goes from any position from presidents of vice president. Thank you all Teo, secretary, attorney general or any other positions that are out here so you can see they have their names, the position they're running for on DH, things like that. It's every single position, which is pretty awesome. It's actually kind of overwhelming a little bit, but it's a lot of fun. Hey, what's up? So, as you can see, they have stickers that they pass out and people come up and grab them on. Do you think that people get to actually meet and see the people a lot that's actually running for the campaign? It depends on what time they show up. This is actually one of my really good friends alum. What position you're in a regular president. Do you enjoy standing out here trying to get votes? I do. So what do you think exactly That people shouldn't know about? Campaign weak. If they're thinking about coming to school here, I think that they shouldn't know Wastes avoid business, Ro. Unless they want to meet the candidates and get free pens and stickers. So free pens and stickers is what you definitely get when you're on the tour or when you come out like a creep in love, You see you have a lot of really love a sticker. So there's a lot of different things that you can get. Thank you so much you want, and we're actually about to see one more sign S o as you saw. This one is a really, really cool, and it has like a three d effect to It's really serious here. There's also different signs that you get to see like this one, which is aboard and has. The cold is about this street or this road is This is business rose, so it has all the science here on it as well. So a lot of students come through here as they passed through classes. It's opportunity for students to get to know the candidates really and to see what their platform stands for. Actually, the whole thing right now is that there's there, actually, some perspective suit is walking by. So if you are prospective student and you get so long, but you get to see some of it. Not a lot of people actually get to come during the special time in this special week. While we're waiting, I'm gonna introduce you to another candidate. All that are watching terraces, which is probably a lot of people. So what do you have to say about this? Some of the election process and being here on business. Where What? What do you suggest? That people who may come to school here and what should they do when it comes to elections? Well, you know, current students, they try to avoid us and makes us think we have the plague or something of that sort. Tom's is that this is their student government. If you choose to come here, it will be your student government. Your opinion, your ideals and your initiative should be promoted by your student government to the utmost of our ability. I would be doing a great disservice to all those who put me here for this. I'm obviously biased so but there's a lot of great things here told Miss and Hope you come here. As you can see, this is the best place for you to come in Rick me and realize the people and who they are, their values of who may be representing you. If you decide to come here is a CNN. This is the best place to find them. You get to choose that if you come and find out who they are.