How to use the PRT at WVU

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West Virginia is split into two campuses are downtown campus, which I'm on right now, and our Evan still campus. So we have our personal rapid transit system that connects the two campuses for student. The signs usually say where the purity is going to go. So you walking up the stairs? Right? And, uh, and we're there. So you swipe your card on a turnstile, and once the lights light up, press where you want to go, and then you just walk on through. When purity does this cool thing where it just stops for a long while makes you wait, really? All right, so eventually the purity opens. You know, you're doing great, Fine run party when it comes to the station, and then you know the door is open, and then you just you just get off. That's how you use the P R T system, Ain't that neato?