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Welcome to my canvas Really tour for Virginia Commonwealth versus the other Westmin species. My major is film and I'm from the Richmond area, So I've kind of grown up around BC My whole life, I've always known that it would be a great school to go to was always really looking forward to going here. There's also the CB campus, which is the campus where you would be taking classes if you want to be in medical school. So over on the campus there is the hospital as well as a lot of different classes. It is closer to the downtown business area, so there is Virginia Richmond Library. The Monroe Park campus, which is where I think the majority of undergrad students take classes. That's where you know the engineering school is located the education school, the school of business. Pretty much everything outside the medical field you are going to be on the Monroe Park campus is called a Menorah Park campus. There is a big park in the middle of campus, which I will be showing you guys and around it are the dorm rooms, the classrooms, you know, class buildings, Jim. Different places, Teo e. Lots of different buildings because he was huge. There's has a lot to offer the students here we see you. I feel that if you come to see you, it's really, really easy to find your friend group. There is so many different clubs, different Borg's Greek life. I personally am not in a sorting myself, but I have a lot of friends in France and sororities. Uh, you know, I think it provides a lot of opportunity opportunity to make new friends. If you know Greek life isn't really the direction for U V. C just has such a diverse student body that it's really impossible not to find your people here. I have found that it provides a really great amount of three sources for its art students. I think that VC provides just a lot of great resource is in general a forest. The gym is probably one of my favorite parts about school. I think another one of my hair things about you is its integration into Richmond. Richmond has a lot of culture, has a lot of things to offer, and VC really makes Richmond's culture part of its own culture. So a the bus, the Richmond bus words right there, campus. So if you want to use it, you know you can go pretty much anywhere enrichment partnership with nourishment transportation. So the bus system and every student has given a free pass so you can ride the bus. I think that's a really great thing, that he's got a offer for students that don't cars that you don't know. It's free, You know, you could go tons of places. I'd say probably the most inconvenient thing about going to school here is help Big. It is like I said, it's a university, so it is integrated into the Richmond city. That does mean that a lot of classes are really far apart. There was a semester where I had a class in one art building on one side of campus and then a biology class on the other side of campus. If you let your professors and they know what they're really, really understanding because they do know how large school if and how it can take a lot of time to get from one of the end of it to the other. I would say that the academic culture at PCU, regardless of how separate some of the schools seem to be those schools don't really share many classes together. I do have a lot of friends from a lot of different schools because if we see you, I think it doesn't really let academics get in the way of social socialization. When you come to see you before you before you come to be see you and you do your orientation Here it'LL give you a really good chance to meet difference. Incoming students from all different majors I met is the students I've met are students like myself. I met engineers I met Biologist You know all kinds of different people and s o the academic culture here is I think we see takes there schooling very seriously. They provide lots and lots of opportunities for internships. We have career fairs, multiple career fairs, so V. C. U is a really good place to come and move forward with your major instead of just getting a major and doing nothing with it. It provides opportunities around Richmond Teo afire, Major paid in unpaid internship. I have three guys right now for an introduction, so I'm going to go ahead and take you to some of my favorite spots around campus.