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It is the crawfish stew for international studies where suitors have the opportunity to go and study international studies. They're also required to study a language so they can either major or minor that language on. There's so many opportunities, so many options to study aspires languages here at the university. The other cool thing about it is that it's actually the other of the other, one of one of the three special programs that we have here on campus. Uh, and by that, once again, I mean that you just have to apply to get in. Is one of our original buildings here at the university and actually was the first chapel of the university itself. It's an awesome and amazing opportunity, and a lot of people enjoy majoring in this program. I wish that we could see the inside today, which, actually, you know, let's go for it. So not a lot of people here, I'll show you the first level of the coffins that you like. You want to see the old brick, But the new brick looks good. Um, actually, this door is one of the funniest doors on campus because I always do this, so I always pull it. It's one of the few doors on campus that you don't pull what you push. So this is the inside of it assumed you coming to welcome by some stairs. They go up, it's three levels and then a lot of posters. The cool thing about ISS when you study abroad, which usually have study abroad first a master with the program's message who, a year, they put your face on the wall. So one of my friends, Elena actually made the wall, and she just came back from France. She traveled around Europe while she was there as well. Then as we come down, you can see one of the classrooms. Yes, I will before you go in there This is the study area for the crops students. Just so you know, uh, and you come in here, you study, hang out with your friends before and after class. It's also where we have our model U. N. Meetings on a weekly basis as you can see, has tables. Then it also has whiteboards and a normal computer. A projector comes from up there on, and this is just the largest slice class. So the class and the profits to are usually a lot smaller than other classes. So this from room looks like it fits maybe about fifty, sixty people. Oh, and that's the largest that you'll ever taken. Idol that you'll even take a class that big if you decide to major in international studies. Before we go, the coolest thing, which is a lot I I see is the Croft porch. So this is the cross porch it's made specifically for cross students. If you're not in Croft, he don't really come and sit on the porch. Uh, and they actually even have a sign, As you can see here, reserve for Croft Institute. We're gonna keep moving on, and the next thing I'm going to show you is the growth.