Don't Step on the Crofties, Onward to The Grove

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So we're leaving the crop course I told you about earlier, which is a great benefit of being a cross. The next day I'm going to show you is the most iconic spot on our campus, which is to grow. So Grove is the area where we all come together to tell gate before game. It's also an area where you just come to hang out with your loved ones or with your friends or anything like that there around the Frisbee on a good day, sometimes just sit and admire nature. So on the clothing about the growth is that it's actually based office Socratic belief. So as Socrates of school, he had a garden of Allah growth trees where his students would come and they would talk about their lessons, what they learned. They were talking about what it meant to be a student. Things like that on his search is basically the same purpose for our students. They come to discuss literature or discuss their lessons. There's some classes that happened out here. Oh, and I'm going to show exactly where those classes happen because the majority of them are on the growth stage. Speaking of the growth stage, we're about to see it right now. Something about earlier on its college deliver ours, and we'll see that once we come out to growth but growth stage itself, it's right next to it. So a lot of professors like to come and have their classes out here on the growth stage when it's a little bit warmer or they just like to come out in general and they teach your lessons. They're normal class lessons and just hang out here. Also there's a lot of activities that happened here, for example, of the spring concert usually happens here, which the spring concert is. A concert opens all the students, uh, and community community members within Oxford that can come and participate and and artists performing a concert. So among some of those people that came, it's been Grace Potter. That was absolutely amazing and really, really cool to see as you know as a nineties kid, you never think that a person that you heard as a little kid growing up, you're gonna want to get to see and meet, and that was just a pretty, pretty awesome and amazing experience. As you saw in a circle that's like the area that I said a lot of people go and spend a lot of their time on. Actually, that's where most of the classes happen for freshmen. The cool thing about Grove is like this is basically the second area where a lot of classes are so behind us is our pharmacy school, which are farm school, is actually the number one in the nation. Remember that for those people who are thinking of doing pharmacy, you continue to go around way, see the alumni, the alumni center, and then next to that is Lamar Hall, which will see a little bit later. What I like to call the miscellaneous building because there's so much that happens in there. You can take anything from accounting to economics to a lot of different things. Lamar Home actually won the other cool things about that campus. As you can see here that's one of our out buses out stands for the Oxford University Transit, so those buses are one hundred percent free to students that they can travel around. There's two that go on campus Rebel blue and Rebel Red on. There's also some that go off campus in the different apartments on living complexes that it makes it really, really easy for you to get around a student. Should I bring a car with me to college, not bring a car? Well, the out bus system usually takes cares. I think that's pretty awesome, that we offer that and that students who come here, the internationally or student that are out of state have that opportunity to use those buses and still gets the places they need to go. Uh, like I said, it's one of our most iconic places. Whenever someone thinks of all Miss, they think of the Grove and I think of obviously football because there are SEC school, but it's pretty amazing and awesome. Now I'm gonna take you over to ve interest hall so that you can see that that's what we get over.