Business Row is more than just business...

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There's actually a lot of cool buildings to see on this road. You can still see the election campaigning happening behind me. Uh, it's actually also today, as the weather is ah, a little out of the ordinary. I thought was going to rain a lot today, but the rain kind of salt, which is also a great thing. This weekend was actually beautiful, but oh, and so just so you also concede this is Connor Hall, the one I was telling you about. Right next to that is the graduate school, which a lot of people actually come here for graduate school. They have an opportunity to go in here and get all their administrative things taken care of. Actually, this is one of my friends, Bree Ivory. What's your graduate program? Promotion? Promotion? Okay, cool. So exactly what you're seeing is doing this morning when they come Well, the gradual school is basically an avenue for people to use his resource to help them understand different programs that we have in different financial aid packages. So is that also, like gradualist ships and things like that? Um, well, graduate this issue. Shoes are dependent on their department, but we handled like a mission. So how Martin is regulated? Missions wear the dress. So what would you say to anyone? That is maybe thinking I'm coming here for grad school. I feel like we have a very good professors, especially gradual professors. So the grad school in all of the students that are undergrad going to that department at any time? Uh, as you heard, it's mostly four graduate students, Uh, actually pretty much only graduate students. If you're interested in coming here, they're more than welcome to help you out in there. As you heard, there's a lot of financial packages that they have available, so make sure you check it out. If you come here for an actual tour, as you continue to go down business row, we'll see a few other important buildings, which include things like the Trent Lott Institute. So the tree allies do is really cool because it's the third of the two special programs that of the three special programs that we offer here on campus, this one folks, is mostly on policy. So if you're interested in running kind of policy, order and research work for a nonprofit, anything like that, this is the program that I believe it's for you. What else I meant by being a special program is that you actually have to. I applied to be accepted into the program, So you a pie before it's separate from your normal application. So you apply to be accepted to the university, and then you also apply to be accepted into that program sometimes usually do days around December or January. Then you get accepted, and then you'll actually be in this program or any of the other special programs that offer here on campus. It's a really, really cool building, and it's named after Senator Trent Lott who comes. I'm visits pretty often, and it's a rigorous courses that I brought in your knowledge and policy and understanding of political science and things like that. There's an awesome program that you learn a lot in and get to meet. A lot of amazing people is usually what we call those people who want to be future politicians or, uh, future legislation, writers or anything like that. Then right behind us is we're Hall, which is our whole for computer science. So Dima organizations could come out in table here any time they want Teo and get to learn a lot. Are you, as student, get to learn a lot about exactly what's going on? So we're gonna go over and see exactly what they're doing.