Class Is Out, and The Quad Is In

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So I actually just left class on Bishop Hall, which is the other side of campus. This suspicion, more columns like I talked about our school was filled with them. The courting about bishop is that not only do they have these columns, but also so there's a lot of classes that are in here. As you can see right here, there, this is actually where the Student Media center is. So if you're interested in writing for the daily Mrs. Of being that we saw earlier today, or if you're interested in being on the news station, it's also hosted in there, or if you even interested in being on the radio, you have the option to be involved in all three of those things with your house on Bishop Hall. There are three levels to Bishop, one on the lower level, which is all classrooms and one on the second level, which is a lot of big auditorium of classroom and then on the third level as well, which is more classrooms and professor officers, Teo, I actually just left French class in there. Speaking of French, the cool thing about Bishop is that it's directly next to Bondurant. So fund during Hall is right here, and this is the hall from modern languages. So if you're a French, major, Spanish, major, Italian, minor, Korean minor or any other kind of minor and any kind of language, this is where you'll go for most serious process. It's a little bit interesting just because there's like a lot of different areas and there are a lot of prints, secrets, they're such you have that now our people know about. So I tried to call that the other hair parter building because of all the secret stairwells, and I promise you is a different place to go every single time. So the cool thing about this side of campus is that we're actually right now we're in the quad. So this is the quad. Like most universities where, you know, the quad is mainly probably the central area. Uh, there's one of our locations like B Rebel Market right here, which is one of the areas that you can eat. She's Chapel pierogies Chapel eyes, a nondenominational chapel here at the university, where they have weekly services. They also have different organizations like Crew and RU effort from University Fellowship and a few other organisations that meat there throughout the semester and the year also wondering once again. Here we are wondering, and as we come around, we see the other side of the library of the J. Williams Library. So as you can see, everything is pretty pretty close together and you can't really get lost on campus. What that looks like in the dynamic, because I can promise you it's one of the easiest campus to navigate and just a prove that to you. Uh, remember earlier we stopped on business row and after we saw Trendline Institute and we're Hall, where people were doing the organization tables, that's actually right there. I walked from there, two right behind blundering into class. Uh, hopefully we'll see a few more things today as well.