The Lyceum: An Inside Perspective

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So we're up the stairs and we're about to go in. So as we walk in, you'll actually see that's really quiet in here the first time that I want to show you is one of the parlour rooms. So the cool thing about these problems is not only the amazing design, it's around around it, which is actually a depiction of what the United States looked like, and the eighteen hundreds is actually pretty awesome. As you can see, there's Niagara Falls or Grand Canyon and some pretty other cool landscapes that our pictures on here as well. The cool thing about one of this room and which is one of two and Lyceum, is the fact that this room is actually completely dedicated the students to come in and study anytime you can come and sit down and just study, read, enjoy the beautiful wallpaper among everything that's happening outside as well, and see everything that's happening in the circle. Also our chancellor wants to make sure that you have knowledge about what's happening in the world. So he actually subscribes to The Wall Street Journal in The New York Times or your benefit. The other cool thing is that are completely let student let newspaper. The daily Mississippian is also always in here for you to grab its in multiple plate places along the campus. This is one place you can always be guaranteed to get it. As you can see, it is very blue, but it's also a great place for you to come and sit and study. The cool thing about this count right here is the fact that, actually, I'm not sure if you know this. In two thousand eight, President Obama and Senator McCain actually came to the University of Mississippi and debated here. This was the actual count that they set on, which I think is pretty cool. I like to come here, sit sometimes and just think about all the greatness that sat here, just taken in for a little bit. I think this is pretty awesome, that that's even an option, or that this is absolutely mind blowing that is. President of the United States sat on this couch, and sometimes I just like to sit back and think of me like so President Obama, How was it here at the university Mississippi And what did you think about it? I'm pretty sure that you would say it's pretty amazing and that you should come here, but I'm gonna continue to show you the building, and you could just see that for yourself. So as we continue to go on, I didn't say it's really quiet. This is because this is our administration building. So this building is where all of our administrators work. Then too other side is Thie Office of the Chancellor, which is like our president here at the university. I just think that's pretty cool, that they have an open door policy where you can walk in and ask any kind of questions you want to at any time. That's just absolutely amazing that they care so much about your voice and what you have to say that they leave the doors open for you to come in on any time. As we continue to go down, actually, one of the cool things is the pottery here. So the party here is really cool because it was actually given to us by Dr David M. Robinson, who gave half his collection. So the best going South and half his collections in the best school in the North. So you already know who the best man in this house is? Hint, hint. What about the best school in the North? Well, that school is Harvard. So half of the collection he is here and then half of the collection is in Harvard on this, actually really interesting because we actually call ourselves the Harvard of the South on. So I just hope in my mind that when they're giving tours that they actually say, Oh, we're the coldness of the North But I don't know who knows. I hope to go on a tour there one day to find that out. This isn't the other side of the chancellor's office, and anyone can also go through this way and ask any questions. Very welcoming in a pretty good guy. This is the first level of the bystanders, actually, three levels. The second level, it's for suiting affairs and then the third level is for office of inclusion. I'm gonna take you out now to show you the other part or the other side of life.