Day In The Life Of A Sophomore WVU Student

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Now I look like I just woke up because I didn't really work up, like 10 minutes ago talking about class. If you don't wear a hat today, so had going on T shirt and leggings because it's, like, 70. Yeah, I just gonna eat some food and walk to class of jail. What happened? That you were here, so I don't know, actually set my alarm, like, 10 minutes earlier than I usually do. I donate 30 or on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and it sucks. Don't do that to yourself, but yeah, so I'm pretty much done until 3 30 I have another class. 30 or something, so I'm probably going to go to Starbucks in study. Yeah, I go to Starbucks a lot to study and then all good class and probably make a lunch sometime in between there and yet. So that's what I'm gonna do it these air service that I really have to walk up to get. Every single time I left Starbucks and now I'm back at my apartment. Now I can, like, chill and, like, make lunch until, um, I have to go to class at 3 30 on back in my apartment. Now I just ate, had some Mac and cheese, and so pretty much. All I've been doing is like watching YouTube, and I, like, printed out my Spanish, my study guide, so I don't really have much else to do today. No, we just went to a meeting for her campus and now we're gonna go to library because we never studying library ever. So we were just had a her campus meeting, but I didn't log it, but just know, you look like you want to die. Were little there almost in our It was a failed Yeah, my phone's like about to die, and I just forgot my one book. So we were just You know what? Some girl walked in with McDonald's fries and we're like, Let's go to McDonald's. You know McDonald's? Yeah, I need to say for that exam really good. So pretty much the last time I talked was like two days ago, because I've got to block for us tonight. We just like, got McDonald's and went home. Um, then the next day, I went to the mall and I got like, a bunch of candles, like, I'm burning this one right now. It's gonna see, but it's hot cocoa and cream. Then in the other room, I have another full candle. So fellow lives over here pretty much sets like I wanted to say And that's like pretty much what, like a day is like for me? Um, here at school.