Big Schools VS Small Schools || Which Is Best For You?

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So they were gonna be filming a video about big schools or universities versus, like, smaller schools. We have a few tips to share because she went to a smaller school. So the first thing that I noticed that there's a really big difference is authorities and frats. Now, smaller schools offer the stories of practice, but they're really not a big deal. So there's events that I noticed that bigger schools adventure a lot bigger. Yes, and people can choose to 10 things but, like my remain joined a sorority, and she complained about everything she had to go to, and there really wasn't anything she went to a whole year, except, I think one form also you kind of just seemed like a big job. It's not as big as the South, obviously like like Southern schools have. I'm in a sorority of my school, and it's like it's pretty. We're pretty relevant, like it's pretty big, Big Greg. So we have a lot of events like date parties, formals, that kind of thing. So it's way different from make smaller schools cause, like, rushes like a huge thing that I want to feel that rush for Rush. It's like at least at my school, it could sound like the 14 state schools their rushes over like a weekend. I could do that, let me know in the comments symbol, but yeah, it's like so different from a smaller school because I was so surprised when I heard they didn't have houses where you meet. Second, pretty big difference that I found between the two sizes of schools is that we have a bigger campus we have and Evans Oh, campus and then downtown campus. We're a pretty, like, medium size school, so that's definitely different. Yeah, it at my old school, you could walk across campus level campus in, like, 15 minutes if you're walking out like normal piece. So you don't need a lot of time to get places because everything is so close and so small. So I think I'm just going into a small place is really, like a really big change that. Yeah, campus, Yeah, And so for West Virginia, we have, like, target old like grocery stores like everything in within, like a 10 minute drive downtown We have a lot of clubs, a lot of bars, a lot of things to D'Oh just in general. There are frat houses where a lot of just like brothers will live, and that's where likely the parties are. Yeah, because we have, like, a lot more bars, a lot of clubs, really 18. Like when she said that they were clubs for 18 obviously, yeah, because I didn't think that was a thing, which is I mean, it's not even just because it's a big school, because I know Penn State. So the next difference is sporting event, so I mean, they're offered offered third, they're they're available, but they're really not that big a deal. The whole hospital parking lot is filled with tailgates, the houses all around ahead. Tailgates. Like they provide food and stuff just such a big deal. So if I was in P A. I still watch it like that smaller school. Like such a big deal, and everyone makes such a big deal out of it. So don't mind that I changed my shirt, going along with it being a bigger canvas. There's, like large population schools and then medium. There's a lot more people for you to find common interests with, like there's people that are just gonna want to study in the honor tall. I feel like with a bigger population, Yeah, like in reference could sound hot. I will have a bigger opportunity to find a group of people that work for me. It's like the funnest thing ever so that you mean that I met a lot of people from that. You branch off like, you know, school happens, but it's just welcome. Week was a great week from you to be people because I'm kind of shot, So being in a big group, it just helped me kind of feel everything. So for my school, I mean, obviously, that's just good stone. There's probably a lot of other schools, and you do have a lot of clubs. My school in particular has, like 200 plus clubs, pretending to each major news business. There's like a lot of opportunities you get from that. There's just a lot more options of foreclose bigger school.