Views from Polk Place - The Upper Quad on Campus

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Now I am standing in the upper quad, which is called Poke Place, and straight ahead you can see is the Wilson Library. In the steel building, which is the home to academic advising, you could make appointments their economic advisors at any time. Then this is the South building, which is home to Chancellor Carol Full. So if ever you want to try and make it a point to the chancellor, that is where you can find her. Then this flagpole, it's kind of interesting. It's called We called the Smokers Pole because it is the only place on campus where you're actually allowed to smoke. You have to be like, within certain feet are certain feat away from a building on DH. So that is the only place on campus that actually needs those requirements. Um, you will actually see a bunch of students over there at the five pole smoking cigarettes, which I think is kind of gross. I rather them do it over there than like passing me on the sidewalk.