My Favorite Places to go On-Campus!

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Uh, I'm just gonna show you guys one of my favorite places in here, which is the computer lab. Uh, I don't have to be quiet when I go in here because there's a lot of people that are typically working on stuff. So this is your lab that's on the second floor of the marsh. This is another one of my favorite places to come and hang out. Uh, as you can see, there's a bunch of PC computers lining the rows of the computer lab itself. You can actually print out a bunch of stuff for your work. Uh, while you're waiting, I also got a lab to just hang out, and, uh, I actually play a game called scribble dot i Oh, that's actually really fine right now we're heading to the back of the student union. I'Ll mention this more later, but this is the threshold between Dumas and mob you were in Ma be right now, Uh, these are some of the elevators to the left that can take you to the different floors of the student union. Another place I really like to hang out is the game room, which is right in here. It's a really cool place to go and hang out and really just get away from the whole busy lifestyle of academics and studying. So another really cool spot I like to hang out in is a place called Argo T. It's inside the moss. This next clip is going to show you guys me walking down the hallway in the mob. You student union, which is behind the moss and I will walk into the ark ot lounge. Now in this area you'LL see there's some chairs and tables all around it. Student activities on campus actually holds a lot of events in the lounge, like open mic night. I've actually participated over magnet before I actually have a ukulele, and I get up there and I've sung like, name songs from, like, All Star I mean, from Shrek the song All Star by smash mouth, which was really fun to do. Um, so yeah, here is Argo and the back side of the mosque. So this is the, uh, the inner session between, uh, the Moss and the student union. That's the blackboard over their student activities. Usually has some kind of, like survey that they put over there and people can write on the boards. Uh, this is the official, like threshold into Mont View the back. They haven't tiem as well as, uh, the newsstand for the champion school newspaper. Uh, right here when I take a left and go into the Argo Tea Cafe over to the left. There were some goons city for a while around here, The actual space, What they have on my night, Uh, you'LL see the back wall once we hand over the back wall with the TV on it, that's where open Mike. Uh, cafe has a lot of options in terms of tea. Uh, this is actually a way to go out from the side of democracy, But going back Teo Argo it's one of my favorite places to hang out because number one that he's great open Mike nights. It's really just a quiet place that you could get away and you could you can typically study and also just hang out with friends. So that was Argo and, uh, thanks for let me show you guys that?