My Freshman Year Dorm Tour

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So today I'm so excited because I'm finally doing my dorm room tour. I cleaned the heck out of my room today pretty eyes, because it was really disgusting. I have one other roommate crimes Ashland, and then we have a shared bathroom in every single room, so yeah, basically, I'm just gonna take you in my dorm, showing you how I separate and stuff and giving you a little tour of everything set up to be. Okay, So first I'm gonna show you guys this area, and this is like right when you walk into the room. Where I live in every single room, there's, like, two sets of closets built into the wall. Then here I just have, like, buckets so thes two rows are basically like my food Rose and then up there. So I just have my clothes on both shells and then here is like my laundry basket. So every room comes with a mini fridge and a microwave. This'd like a little basket that my roommate got. We just have silverware planes, cups in here of admits, this is a picture of a dog. What kind of looks like my roommates, and she just put it up and we have our marks. I got Ashland from Target and she put up like this little mug chalkboard, and I just think it's so cute. We have a bath mat, which is also from target, and then we have, like a towel hanging this tower on fell off and the happy it repaired. So this is my side, and I basically just have, like, all my everyday products and stuff here. It's cow comes with a little mirror this mirrors, like so much better than other mirror like you actually look like yourself in it. So this is my desk over here, and I just have, like, my makeup and everything on there. This slides out to like, we'll do homework on here and put my laptop on the desk, but I just have little knickknacks. Like, I have my laptop case and I have craft supplies here. So that's what I used to watch TV here at school. We recently added this here, and so we got these, like little cork boards from Target. So in the corner here, I just have, like, a little rose gold basket. This is from home goods, and I just put my blanket in there and like some other stuff, just more blankets and towels. Then over here in this corner, we have, like, another cute set up. So everything on this wall from Target as well have, like this little frame that says, Today's a good day and other ones that start each day with a Grateful Heart. I printed out these pictures from Para About Press and I hung them up and I put like, string lights around them from Target. It's like, really cute and I really like it. Then over here, just have some stuff about my bed. So Macro May is from I below so easily five bucks and then I have, like, a mirror from target and then a dreamcatcher from the beach. This is my night stand here, so I just have my slippers. They're my fat, fat, fun box Stuff like that is murky like my remotes. Then here is just like I literally just ran himself. I shove into these things so high here have, like, all my books and my Bible. I charge my phone here, of course, to keep my alarm there. The room comes with these door sets so He's just have, like, clothes in it and stuff like really messy. Then I have my tripod on top, and that's like my under bed storage, though another part of my room that I'm obsessed with is a rainbow. It's really so freaking cute was like 30 bucks, and at night it shines like pink light on a room, and I'm obsessed. I'm just like Tiger rooming together in between our beds. We just have, like, this pink rug and it's from Target as well. They just have really cute stuff like this in our lamp and a lot of stuff. Hope you guys enjoyed seeing what my room looks like.