The DIning Hall! (The Rot)

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So this next video is goingto outline the Reaper Thomas dining hall, or the way we referred to it on campus to the rot. Um, there's a lot of good food options that you'll be able to see in the video, but I like I'm going to say in the video, I highly suggest that you come here to campus to experience it yourself. Um, we were voted the best dining home, the nation two years in a row of a couple of years ago, actually. So if that doesn't tell you how the food is here, I don't know what else will. I suggest you come here and experience it for yourself, but I will out lots from the more important places. Um, the most important to me is the sushi that's over there beside global fusion, which is in front of me right now. I'm really creative sushi, and it's really good. As I said, there's the drink options right there, but you can get anything from a burrito to a salad. Two cheeseburgers that you make yourself chicken patties. There's pizza and pasta, as well as a custom pasta bar in the very back right corner of the rot. Um, and then there's also a great dessert section, which you're going to see in a second. At the desert sexually, you like ice cream made to order and stuff like that. There's a cereal bar right there, which is also an awesome feature, as well as the breads over to the right right there. So as far as the meal plan works, you Khun get either the basic plan or the plus plan. If you're on campus, the basic plan gains you entry into the rock at all times. Um, but the plus plan allows you to get different food options that all the dining locations on campus where the basic plan you could only get some options uh so yeah, that explains the rot and the, uh, meal plan.