Liberty University Week in My Life Ep. 4

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So today we're going on a road trip with Ashland. We're going to beach, and I'm We're just gonna go to Virginia Beach, go see the sun rise and, um yeah, really? Wow, that's crazy. Then we'll hear everything you need My kind of love you just a little bit kind of Yukio right now. I'm currently in my car and I am about Thio Go get my hair done for the first time. Like a very long time, I just used to do my hair home when I was back home because I went to a salon and I had, like, a terrible experience and I fix my hair by myself, so I just didn't want to pay any money for and I just wanted it fixed and it looks pretty good. I've just been doing my own hair. I am getting my hair done by that lady I saw on my college Facebook page that everyone really recommended. I saw pictures of her work and she looks like she's really talented, So I'm kind of nerve e it's not gonna lie. Unemployment's at 2 30 and it's currently one 50 story. I hope I'm not here at the salon for hours, but I'm also trying to life in my hair, too. Yeah, I'm getting my hairline and and I think we're doing like a brown beige gold. I just got out of the hair salon and this is my hair. Then this is like, I guess, the middle stage of what My hair's right Now I'm gonna go back and get it light in some more next glen. I'm actually really excited because it's Valentine's Day and it's 11 realities single, but I need to go get up already for my 15. Okay, guys, I'm just about to head to my first class on a routine, but I want to show you out my outfit. So this is from she and it's like a pink overall dress. That's so cute to see order heart shaped lights and our dominoes in pasta in lava cake. E Hi, Lou Capital they You just finish your dominoes, right? And now we're gonna watch would be Even though I have homework, I don't want to be Oh, so today I'm in my bag in my field, I'm in a mood and I just want to Theo of me taking myself out on a date, making myself feel better. I don't even know I'm just in my bag And I've wanted to do this for a while, but I feel like it's a really good day to do it. Okay? I just changed on the cozy off it that feel comfortable in and put my hair up. I still always like the way I hear it gets so annoying. I'm just wearing my Berkeley sweatshirt and then some area likings and Adidas. So my old backpack riff theme strap rips and ordered a new one. So I'm gonna pack this backpack with my Bible and some highlighters and pants and some art supplies. I'm doing all this Well, honestly, I don't care. I feel like it's so foreign to just spend time with yourself. We know about a mountain could so pretty today, or you want me to go into a coffee shop? I kind of wanna be applying so good. OK, I just passed the bag and I'm are good to go, you guys, I'm in the car and I think I might know where going. I think I'm just gonna go to the mountains and see how that goes. It's a beautiful day and I have a bible of everything and I'm just ready to, like, go on a little date, spend some time by myself. This is crazy, guys, I look so bad, but I just went to the Blue Ridge Mountain Overlook and it's so pretty up here. I'm gonna do some devotions up here, and I just jammed for worship music, like an hour coming up here, and I just feel like, really at peace, and I feel like this is just something I needed some really excited because, like, look at that E. I'm actually looking out and the weather is really nice. I'm just upset, so I'm gonna do some devotions. I just wanted to show that because it's so pretty.