Christmas Time at Liberty University

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It is currently Oh, my gosh, It's 9 20 after leaves. Yes, it's 9 20 I have class at 9 45 I'm supposed to be leaving like No, but I woke up a little bit later, so yes, Sorry. It's 9 20 after leave in, like, five minutes because I've crossed over at Green Hall. This is a day in the life, so I just wanted to do a little bit of intro. I threw out my hair in a bond because it was like, I do not got time for that, that I'm wearing leggings and converse. It probably looks like I haven't even left the dorm. What is happening? First ball was 15 minutes late to my exams. That is so bad. So, yes, I woke up a little bit later than I should have. I was rushing this morning to get ready anyway, but the bus wasn't moving, and it was just sitting there and Yeah, so I ended up running the class, which was just very embarrassing. I walked in late and sat in the front road. I just Yeah, it was not great on top of that. I don't think I did not get on my exam, which honestly sucks because I'm doing so good and all my other classes I have always in this class I'm struggling so bad. Anyway, I'm done with my right, and I don't want to be, like, super negative. It was just stressful this morning, and I just wanted to tell you guys. I have some books and years I'm going to read for class. Then I also have this Devo that I really want to do this morning. Normally, I do mind the votes at night time Just because I don't know, it's just kind of what I've always done at this book. I recommend this to anyone who has a hard time just being in the word, because for me, I, like, never know what to read. But this kind of just like, gives you different passages, tells you a little bit about it. To me, it seems super weird because it's about dating and relationships, and they married. It's literally for anyone in any single stage of life. Recommend this to anyone that wants a new reed. You guys probably recognized her from my vlog like, a million years ago. She's writing to you, but my hands get very cool. Okay, so I should be studying right now, but I'm online shopping. What else is new? I'm stuck between these two shoes. Ellie, what do you like better back at the dorm, Ellie is 16 the prison one? Really? The phrases in real? Apparently. So this poll that I made so many people voted for snake skin, which is fine. I'm just still surprised cause I really like the cheetah ones. They're not bad. It just, like a little bit, you know, how to be a little bit soft in there. So the past four times, I've driven every single time I prayed right before I park like Lord, provide me with a common spot every single time he has. I know some people are like, Oh, that's just a coincidence. Lord, I pray right now that you provide, I come and I know you can. When I say that a common spot appears every Hok literally it happens. Look, how cute is Leon's gonna live with me in New York Wednesday. What kind of it is coconut milk? No, I just want a little bit. Just like just try okay? Because, you know no, that's not a case like that was very I think it all like, not like that. Okay, so it is currently 8 17 I have to talk really fast because my camera is about to die. We finish watching Christians to the cranks, which was so good We just had a Christmas filled fun day. On the last time Yeah, see, I'm reading text for my friends. Thought right now about to face time Some friends who I intern with this past summer. If you guys go already gushed on the Instagram, I will leave the handle right here. Yeah, you guys are having enemies Day night whenever you guys watching this video and I'll see you guys in my next video.