Move Back into College With Me!

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What is up? So today I'm moving back into college after Maya Winters, Master, I am literally lost it. I don't want to go back because I just don't wanna go to school. This is all my stuff that I'm bringing back to liberty. Really have so much clean laundry camera bag ready, Like my TV, my backpack. I'm listening to Alicia Marie and Remi Ashton's pretty basic podcast. Drive back, and I literally you like this drives would be so it's all good, All good, all love or whatever. It is getting gas, and I'm literally freezing so guy literally can't feel my fingers s. So I'm about to just start driving to Lynchburg now. These air the three that I've been listening Thio she podcast by Jordan Lee Dooley's really good pretty basic with Alicia Marie and Remi Ashton, who are youtubers And then stuff you missed in history class, which is just like a history podcast and rain on listening to a brief history of ballet. I'm in our in 30 minutes into driving so halfway there, and it just started snowing. So it's like a little light pieces, and they're not staying on the ground, Thank Jesus, because I don't know what a drive ins. So I probably crashed, but hopefully just doesn't stay. I'm just listening to a podcast right now and just driving. I was driving back to school, and it was just, like, the worst thing ever. Little cost me $200 we all know I'm a grown girl, so I don't have $200. Yeah, okay. I just got to the Trader Joe's, and I'm just gonna run in and grab some healthy food. I'm just trying to run in and run out because I really want to get to Lynchburg since it is starting to snow. Just got a Trader Joe's Island did not even try too long because it was literally mad chaos and everyone was just like freaking out in rushing around. People are just, like, not happy, just like pulled out of camp runs are talking myself. So right now I'm about to just go drive another hour and 1/2 like an hour to liberty. You guys can probably definitely see the flurries coming down, so you need to go. This is the room that we left and we had to like stripper sheets, everything pretty much before we left for winter break. It's Saturday thing back up and bring out the rest my stuff. So there wasn't no till last 30 minutes that I should be driving back Lynchburg, and now it's actually falling really fast, like it's sticking to the grounds outside. I will show you guys it's crazy and I just have a bunch of stuff I need to bring up. This is all the snow that is sticking outside is actually insane. Like, I think we're gonna have classes canceled warmer. Even though we all know I don't normally drink this, you're being healthy. I got this one kale blazer in my Lacroix dog haircut. Got Dragon because we're gonna do in a zafar video with eyes looking thing. Really Looking months, guys, you just come back from Target a warmer and like, all room is trashed like three hours in, but it's okay. So instead of cleaning your room, what should be a priority, we instead are gonna get chicken wings, food, cleaning our room Okay, so this is what it's come, Thio Because that's not the same space hearts a space. I'm restocking our fridge, so I'm gonna give you a little grocery store hall, got spin it, got some bananas, got two packs of Berries, and I thought raspberries and blueberries got malt o meal pancake and waffle mix. Then I got some tea, and then I got literally the biggest thing of oatmeal, and that's somewhat lemonade. Then I got of course, lacroix, because I'm literally an addict and from Target. Sto I just finished setting up my bed and this is what it looks like. Then I need to fix my string lights that fell over break, and I'm also going to rearrange my room. So it's five in the morning, and I basically rearranged my whole room by myself because my roommate is out tonight and I wanted to re arrange your room. This is my desk with a TV on it, and this is actions Desk. So I don't know if I like the l set up with the desk so I might push mine down that Hearst out have a TV splitting between those two in the middle, and this is fashion's bed, her bookshelf and then my bookshelf. Then this is my bed, and it's like, right by this wall now, instead of being here a long way.