Rachel tells you about her experience at UNC!

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Many with Rachel and I chose you and C because it was just a really good opportunity, and it was close to my where I'm from, and I just felt like it was my best option. So describe the student body at your school, Um, I would say a lot of try hards. Everyone here, everyone that goes here is they're smart, you know, Everyone that goes here is from a place where they're used to getting good grades and everyone's like, ready to be really good at what they do here. We're just kind of like, well, love smart people here. What's your major? And described the academic climate around it. I'm an undecided major, but I was accepted as a physics major. Eso are more stem than anything else, and that is a really hard field here at UNC. There's a lot of stigma around it being very challenging, which is entirely true. Um, but needless to say, nonstop majors are also equal. What's your favorite and least favorite part of your school? And why? Uh, the best part about human see is it's cold like support for basketball. I wouldn't say that's like the best best part because there's some great things about it. Basketball season is truly magical, and I recommend going to as many names as possible. Probably the worst part is putting in more effort into your academics and you ever have before and not getting results. Um, it's a lot of learning about how you learn best to be honest.