My Classroom Experience

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Romek Stonehill is pretty similar that they all kind of the same. You have the desk with the chairs attached to them and those air lined up in rows across the room. There's like a white Bordeaux on one side of the wall there. Then there's usually like a smart screen or a tux screen in the middle, so the professors can like display documents on there. Yeah, that's usually how every classroom is one of my favorite things about the classes. Here is how everything is so Discussion based on I really discussion was hate, like lectures and tests. So I really love that I have a really good experience with all of my classes. Like the classes are super small, which I like because, like you can talk more at the teacher and I just helped me look. I can't really get distracted in a big class, and so I really like how small the class size is and the faculty or the professors, they really just like one of the like have conversations with you about things which is really nice, like in class like Well, just like I don't know, I I find it really engaging when classes are structured in that discussion way, which almost all of mine have been these past two semesters. I love all the professors have had, like a log of thumb. They're like, super willing to talk to you about anything, like, even if it's just like, Hi, my life is falling apart And then you can talk to them Like I've talked to so many professors about stealth that's like not even classier the gig like a log of. I've talked to all of my pressure's about, like potential careers and just like the future of like and the work I'm doing now but connects to where I wanted doing so I really like like all the pressure's should open. Like even if you just wanna stop by and say hi also, really, I go get my professor's office hour slot, which is nice, and it definitely like has helped me so much more than I thought it would like just by showing up and being like I don't really understand or like, even if you can't go to the office. So if their doors open, you can just kind of walking and, like, talk to him or if you need, which is really nice. I do that pretty frequently, like between glasses. If I have a question, I just want to, like, say, haga bomb? Yeah, I really love all the presents. I mean, if you have any if you ever have any questions the professors who definitely a huge support and they're not just go like, teach you in class, but to really help you they really want to help you like.