Get to know me, Katie E!

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How much is a polar bear weigh enough to break the ice? Hi, I'm Katie. Um, Anyways, this is mostly gonna be an introduction video so that you guys could get to know me. I'm a sophomore here at ST Michael's College in Vermont and I'm from New Rochelle, New York. My dad is a firefighter, and my mom is a pediatric oncology nurse and slight flex my sisters on the United States national team for swimming. Back to ST Mike's, I'm a psychology and sociology double major with a business minor. I actually came in to say Mike so undecided, coming to a liberal arts college was very beneficial for me because I got to dip my toes in tow so many different areas and subjects. I knew I was interested in psych, so I was taking those classes. Sociology was nothing I had ever heard of or taken before, absolutely fell in love with it, so much so that I wanted to add it as a major businesses. So what am I involved in here? I'm on the woman's varsity soccer team. I'm a proud member of the ST Mike's Fire and Rescue Department. Here's a sneak peek of what you might be getting later I'm involved with Campus Ministry on, and I'm also an admissions intern. Well, I was in the summer, but we kind of carried it onto now. Speaking of, you should definitely check out our spooky tour. I'm warning you now, So why did I choose? Same likes to the views. To be honest, I was not expecting to like it at all. I was coming here after multiple other college business, and I just wanted to get it over with. Getting a tour and being on campus changed my view entirely. I absolutely fell in love with the place I had that feeling that they tell you about I was like, This is just right for me and it really was, and I'm so happy I made that decision. The community presence is really palpable, almost, and it's so unique and something I had never felt before, and I'm so grateful to be here. So I know most people watching this are gonna be perspective students. Some things that I realized throughout my first year of ST Mike's personally I lost in my bed in my first year door. You could shove so many things under your bed when its lofted, where there's a medium were full. It's not something that many people knows available. Loft it If you think you have too much stuff like Ideo, as you can probably tell another tip. Relax a little bit if you're anything like I was senior junior High school, I got completely overwhelmed with the college process. You have to be able to explore all these fun options, watch videos like these. I know things aren't the way they usually are because of co vid, but you will get where you need to go. Keep working a question that I honestly get a slot is about roommates, so I'll just let you know. I chose her because she was also on the soccer team and we became friends before school started. If you do decide to go random, there's a survey type thing that you take, and it matches you with people who have some similar interests and living styles as you. I absolutely adore my roommate, and I'm so glad I chose her. I also have friends who went random and still became best friends with their roommates. Actually, we're all living together now in this eight person sweet, another great housing option. I at least think that housing seems to get better every single year year here, so a lot of people sometimes hesitate at the thought of staying on campus all the time. Again that is what makes that is one of the reasons our community is so tight knit and special. We are a small school where you can see people you know every single day, but also big enough where you see people you've never seen before on I think that's important. I'd be excited to get to know you guys, that's for sure.