A Day in the Life with Emma

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Welcome to a day in my life as a remote ST Michael's college student. I have about an hour before my first class of the day starts at 10. So I'm gonna take the next hour to do some last minute reading and get all my stuff ready for class. So my first class is over Now, I have about 25 minutes until my next class, So I'm gonna get some lunch and to have them without everybody say hi to jail 14 years young buddy? Of course not. Um, but I have a good break now, so I'm going to do a little bit of homework, Get that out of the way so I can relax later tonight, and then I go for a walk because it's really nice outside. I'm glad I made the decision to go on my walk. I'm actually getting, like, hot in this little jacket, so that's a good sign. Got back a little early for my walk so I'm just sitting outside on my back porch because it's so nice. Uh, I want to get some outside time before my last class today. Okay? So I'm getting ready for my early education class. Um, and we're doing some practical stuff tonight, so I wanted to show you got some Plato out and obviously my notebooks and some paint brushes and paint because we're learning about arts and how to implement our into early childhood education. So I'm looking forward to doing some projects tonight already is now officially the end of my day. I just got finished with a meeting for a founder society. Um, since I'm a tour guide, I have to go into founder society meetings every month where we get to learn about the new parts of school and connection to people outside of school. So I just finished that meeting and I finish my homework earlier, and I don't have to do any, so I think I'm just going to relax. Maybe draw depends on my mood, but it's time for me to enjoy the rest of my night. Then we've got to do to get thanks for joining me today and watching my day as a state mike student doing this Mr from home and I'll see you in the next video.