Brooke favorite spot

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We are building a business building, which is this huge building right here. Where I'm standing is one of my favorite spots on campus because of this beautiful clock right here. This is like in all of the story he'LL ads like one of the iconic parts of Stone Hill and also from this spot, you can see a great view of Donahue up there. This is another iconic view of Stonehill, and this is the quad right here where we come hang out when it's nice Out, as you can see, there's people over there Queen baseball. It's only like fifty degrees right now, but everyone's just so excited for it. Be warming up over here is also Duffy, which is another academic building. Over there in the distance, you can see the senior courts, which is upperclassmen living on DH. The library were pretty small campus. All of our buildings are pretty close together, so you're never really gonna have to walk that far.