Welcome to Saint Mikes with Emma

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My name's Emily Rose and I'm a junior here at ST Michael's College. I am from Bristol, Vermont, and I'm currently completing the semester remotely from home. I am a double major in elementary education in psychology with an endorsement in early childhood. Keep watching to hear a little bit more about state mix and why I chose state mix as my school. When I started the college process, I knew what I wanted to study in college. I knew I wanted to be a teacher, so something really important for me looking at schools was that my future school had a great education program. Which state mix does, and they also have a very small campus in that small community field, which is what I grew up in in something I really wanted in my school. Even though I was really drawn to the academic culture here at ST Mike's. The thing that really sealed the deal for me was when I took a tour on campus. My tour guide talked to me like I was a friend, and they showed me all the little spots, their favorite spots on campus, and I got to hear stories of things that they've done, things they've seen and really get inside perspective of what the school was like. That was really helpful in securing how I felt about the campus in the school, something that was really important to me when I was applying to colleges and looking for schools was that the school that I was gonna go to would have a really strong community and a good support system. I didn't wanna be one person in the lecture hall of hundreds of people. I wanted to be able to be in a small class and really get to know my classmates, you to know my professor so that I could get that one on one support and build those relationships that I needed and wanted for my academics. One great part about having small class sizes is that your professors really want to get to know you as a person and as a learner in their classroom. They really will do anything to help you succeed, because that's all they want for you. You can email them, you could stop by their office if they're there, and they really just want to do what they can do to help you succeed in their class and be the best learner you cannot say. Part of the academics hearsay mixes the diversity of classes there are in the psychology department. Other than the few required classes you have for the major, you have a great range of classes to choose from for your required classes. I've taken classes from cognitive behavior, which is about brain. I've taken classes about marriage and relationships and how we perceive the world through our senses. So there's a huge range of classes to choose from, which makes it really fun to pick topics that you're interested in to learn about and makes it really fun to go to class with your friends and learn more. If you really want to be successful here in ST Mix academically, my best advice is to build those relationships with your professors and your peers. If you really put in that effort to get to know all the people in your classes, get to know your professors. People be really willing to help you with anything you need, Whether it's homework, studying for a test or even a paper, you have to write. So work really hard to build relationships and do the best work you can, and you'll always find a way to be successful. Thanks for watching everybody stay tuned to hear about all the other great thing say Mix has to offer.