Meet Colleen, a Senior at SMC!

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Hi, I'm Colleen, I'm from Leonardtown Maryland, but currently I'm living on campus. I'm working in the missions office over the summer as a tour guide and student intern. All I'm going to be a senior here at ST Michael's College, which is crazy but exciting. I'm an english major and minor ring in gender studies and applied linguistics and I love all three departments, especially the english department. The professors are amazing and I love all the kids in my classes and just the classes state mix because I really wanted a tight knit community where I felt very welcomed and supported um just in every aspect whether it was academics or socially or mentally, whatever it was. I'm also involved on campus with move our volunteer program. I am a one of the leaders for my club dream which works with kids living in affordable housing, we work at them. Then I also work on campus in the admissions office in the maker space, which is kind of our craft room on campus, and then the career center helping students with interview skills and resume building, cover letters and job searching. Thank you so much for watching and I'm looking forward to talking to you guys in another video showing you around ST mike's and telling you a little bit more about what I do here as a student.