Day in the Life!

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Today I'm gonna be taking you in a day in my life on campus at ST Michael's College during a pandemic. So when I tutor my student on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, this is usually what my desk looks like. I have all of my notes for what my student wants to learn. Today I have our chapter book that we've been reading toe work on our reading comprehension. I have a word ready for when we work on sounding out the different letters in a word. E have our agenda for the day and I have my lesson plans. I just finished my first class and tutoring for the day. So now I have about 20 minutes before I have my second online class of the day. So it's where I'm focusing on writing my thesis proposal. So today in class, I think we're watching a documentary about Freud and then hopefully some time to work on our thesis. So it's about 2 p.m. I finished my classes for the day, and I think I'm going to get a little bit of homework in. Usually, I have about two or three hours of homework per night. That's on average, so if I have an exam or big paper, it'll increase a bit. I would say that's pretty typical of students at ST Mice. It will vary depending on your major in your coursework you're taking that semester, but it's very manageable. I'm one of the co presidents and we're in Event Planning Club. So we just plan fun events for our students on campus for no cost. So we do a lot of different things, like we do bingo nights. Um, some of those were trying to figure out how to make them virtual during this pandemic. So today I am handing out care packages so parents could have signed up to send their students care package for Halloween, and I'm helping hand them out. We just went on a quick mile run on this beautiful day and back to homework. I usually like to end my evenings relaxing, trying to do a little bit of De stressing. So I think my room and I are going to watch some of gray's anatomy cook some dinner, maybe have some tea. I hope you all enjoyed watching my day in the life and get to get a little taste of what it might be like for you if you were to come to ST Mike's. So I'll see you in the next video Bye..