Applying to St. Mike's

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I'm gonna be telling you guys about my whole application process and what's like applying here in ST Michael's with a quick Google search, you confined ST Michael's College. If you go to their home page and hit apply, it'll show you everything you need from application process for both transfer students and for first year students as well. It's different majors, different programs, graduate and undergrad classes. As a prospective student, it really helps guide you to where you should apply if you are interested and coming to ST Mike's because it's such a small school, making connections is really an important thing. So when I went to college fairs and like little programs, my school did for perspective students. ST Mike's really wanted me to make a connection with my advisor for my area, so I connected with her really well, and that enabled me. Thio eventually get a fee waiver for the application, so I didn't have to pay the extra dollars just to apply, which was really helpful. So I highly suggest that you do the same, like making connections with ST Mike's, even if if it's through a professor or missions counselor, someone is better than just going in cold turkey. It's super easy to because it is such a small school. So it's really nice to have that kind of connection, and that connection really drove me to really want to be here. So when I eventually a like applied, I waited weeks and weeks and weeks are my application. I did regular decision and when I finally got the letter in the mail, it really just made me so excited because when I opened it, I saw a letter from a mission councilor and someone else who had read my application said that thank you for sharing this really personal experience and that was really helpful. Thio understand who I waas even though he hadn't met me personally, but with that connection I had made plus, with the openness in my writing, it really helped make that connection to inevitably get me into saying bikes. In my application, I wrote about a personal experience that should be growth and development through my life, where I I started to see myself as an individual, and I was born raised Massachusetts and I hadn't really gone out of Mass that much or out of New England. So with the limitations that I had only staying with in New England, I thought might be the best option because it is the four hour distance, so it's not too bad at the same time. I could go home on weekends before Koven, which was really nice, and the comment that they left was that they were really happy to see that high school. A lot of things happened, regardless of how old you are. Moral story and things that I learned through my experiences changed me too, you know, and so same actually saw that as a driven individual who wants Thio better herself and get out of our comfort zone of it. I hadn't been to Vermont except for the one time I had toward at ST Michael's, and so being up here was a really big experience for me. I didn't know what to expect, and I think that was definitely something that helped me grow a lot more to where I am today. I definitely suggest thinking about who you are or your growth is from when you started high school to where you are today. Even if you're transferring, what makes you want to be in a small Colchester? Vermont 05439 and want to be on this small campus e. No, I actually wanted to be on a really big campus at university or somewhere. Not here, But I think having a smaller campus was definitely helpful to make that kind of connection networking. Even now that I'm a senior like I'm reaching out Thio alumni and people that are really intrigued to hear my story and want to help me Teoh be able to graduate to find a job and figure out what I'm gonna do with myself because I might have gone into ST Mike's wants to do one thing, but I I'm leaving what to do A bunch of different things because the experience I had was so versatile and it gave me such variety. Then I would have gone if I went to the more specialized school. Anyway, Another thing that was really helpful was that they are s a T optional and a CT optional. I personally, I'm really bad, like, really bad at test taking. I just have really bad, like test etiquette, I guess I just don't really do well when it comes to that kind of stuff. If you don't send it in like they still will consider you as a candidate versus someone who chose Thio. It's really nice open playing field. I am still here, so I'm glad we graduating this May, so it's very exciting. Definitely look into state mix for like a connection when it comes to applying, because when I was applying other schools, it just kind of felt like I was just another random senior. Looking for someone to apply Thio with State makes use of a lot more personal, which I really liked. Yeah, that's my experience with bikes and I mean clearly it worked because let me to where I am today and I highly suggest you apply even if you like, regardless of if you're super interested or not, just apply. Get the word out there because you don't know the connections you could make regardless of where you go. Hopefully I'll be making more in the future if Senior seminar isn't too crazy. Yeah, I have a group s you day and applying out.