Meet Sarah! And hear about her experience at UNC

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Get? Um, Hey, guys, I'm saying you see, I'm suffering Quincy. Uh, so I think this out of here is definitely very dieter's, which is awesome because you get to interact with a lot of people that maybe I wouldn't otherwise, um, kind of and in a very, you know, close environment, uh, coming from I'm so experienced cries and isn't being able to interact with different people spent almost done, um, and just learning about their stories. The community here, um, it's really been just in awesome. Yeah, it's just been really great meeting people, Oliver the country and just really getting to know them on it. Um, and then I would probably say my least favorite part about UNC It's pretty intense school in all respects, whether that be academics are socially. Pretty third place cut their place, but it really is awesome. Gribble of It's much more over the past couple years. Hill, uh, being a school that has so much school spirit and just I really love and wanna see their people are growing drive has been awesome.