Dorm Life

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So what I really like about you is that every single freshman dorm or doorman General has its own bathroom. I only like that because I just don't really like the idea of having to take a shower and a shared bathroom and then walked on the whole hall back to my room or even just walk down the hall to, like, a peek. You could say that I have online crocks like my every day. Okay, so now we're in, like the main area is actually pretty spacious. In my opinion, it's bigger than a lot of dorms at a lot of their school says looking at. Then the cool thing about drawn to you is that it's in Manhattan. Marrow doesn't have the best view, but since I'm on the top floor, some of my hall mates are on the corner of Fifth Avenue intent. They could even see the Empire State Building, which I think is really cool. So that's definitely a perk of going living on campus in my Yu ISS that you live and dorm rooms that, if you had to pay rent for them, would be worth a lot. So the view's air really amazing, But you're not paying that kind of price. Then there is one freshman dorm that does have its own kitchen so you can cook. That feels just like an apartment on DH. That's something I really like about you, is like I was saying before you is the kind of school that is going to make you feel more independent because you do not feel like you're trapped on a campus, you're going to feel like you're integrated into New York City and I think I use dorm style will be goes into that because the dorms don't feel like dorms. They feel more like home, especially if you go into adorned with a kitchen and then also upperclassmen. They're all apartment style, so it's really a nice, smooth, easy transition into independent adult life, which I think is really, really important to me. It's really like an important part of your college experience because you need to learn howto adult, all right.