college advice_ how to make friends freshman year.mp4

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As we know from the title, it's how to make friends in college. You know, these are tips for, you know, making friends in college and general like social life tips. You know, obviously disclaimer There isn't a step by step guy to make friends like there's no sex formulated follow. So the first thing I would say that you need to make friends is to just go into it with being positive and open minded. If you're positive and broken minded, you can attract so many more people than if you're, like, closed off like negative, I would say, like, really don't judge anyone either, Copper, when you go to college like there's so many different types of when you go to college compared especially big school. Those really see everyone as equals because at the end of the day, that's literally what everyone is like. You don't need to create any sort of hierarchy and their head like, Oh, they look cool So they won't be friends with me or any types of things like that I would say just like Honestly, be so open minded. You know what I mean? So I would really say, like, if that's kind of how you grew up, you were always that kind of person. I would say, like, really tried to, like, take off those labels from yourself and don't let them define you were confined. You like just because in the past you probably wouldn't go to someone and introduce yourself and say hi doesn't mean that you can't do it now I found that I really just had to, like, get out of my own head and kind of get out of my house. Introducing yourself to people doesn't have to be a big ordeal, like, literally like If you're standing in line on moving day, just turn around and say, Hey, I'm like, What's up? Like, What's your major? How are you doing where you're coming from? Like just really challenge yourself to, like Abby, Say hi to one person on the first day of school at orientation wherever, and I think it really just makes a world of difference in building up your confidence, knowing that hey, I can take that first step. The person doesn't have to be your best friend didn't have to go and work during the first day and weeks of college. It's just really good to like get practice, uh, putting yourself out there and, like, verbalizing who you are. Um, I think it's really helpful to be friendly with the people who use see the most and the ground the most. You're sweet, some of your four makes that might become your best friends, which is great. That wasn't personally the case for me, but I found it that it was like, really nice to be friendly with my roommates because even just seeing them around campus, you have someone to say hi to, um, they invite their friends over. Save a friend you might not have that much in common with your remains, but I think it's just like being courteous, respectful and friendly with them in, um, definitely makes a world of difference in terms of having people that you can go to ask for help or even if you just wanna like and might someone to go to lunch with you. My next step would be Really Don't be afraid to go to things alone. You can introduce yourself to people and you can make friends out of it. I personally just didn't have a degree, But I would say if you practice like going to think alone, being comfortable by yourself in public, like that's just a really good skill tohave and that you shouldn't necessarily like, rely on people to feel comfortable in a public setting. As much as this video is about howto friends in college, I think that you know it doesn't happen instant for some people, and being content with your own company is a really great skill to have. It's a really valuable skill and reflecting, and having time with yourself is really a valuable thing, especially because you're probably gonna get to employ in college. Works like you have so many friends and relationships and things going on that like you want moments to yourself so I would definitely say learning how to be alone is a really important skill, and it kind of helps you not relies on people too much to bring you happiness. So we'll go home one weekend, and then they go home every weekend and a few months into school there realized, like, Wow, I don't have that many friends, and it's simply because they're just not spending a lot of time around the people who voted their college. So I would say, you know, if you want to go home, I would really not recommend going home the first weekend of college. Really tried Thio immersed yourself in your social life. My next tip is that kind of said this before, but I really just don't expect to make your best friends were an amazing friend right away. That's something a little bit, I I'm not basically you're friends with people who are around you the most, which is why I made a lot of my friends from my residence hall, I think, and, uh, you know, I would say, Don't be concerned in the first month or two. Don't try to, like, stick to a group of people or person just because you want a friend and like you don't really like them that much I would say it's better to, like, be out there like searching for your true friends rather than sticking with people who you don't really think your values line with, just to have people to be around. I would really telling you guys to make at least one like friend such a creative class. So this is honestly, really great when it comes to like you missed class and you need to like, find out what happened or need help with the homework or study Buddy were never so. I would say just cause that wasn't really my experience, Um, I, you know, definitely like drinking, partying. I'm someone who I never really did that kind of thing in high school. So I don't really, like, go out and party in college either, So I don't not like an aspect of socialized, but I honestly just can't really give much perspective on tips on that just because that's not my personal experience. So I just want you guys know that, uh, other than that, I would say that social life as fish is really important for college. As much as you're paying for your education, you're paying to be around some really smart and amazing people who are future leaders who hopefully you'll connect with and work with in the future. I think that all really starts with making friends and, you know, connecting over something. Yeah, I would say, if you guys are genuinely yourselves, this so cheesy if you're genuinely yourself and you really put your best foot board that people will be attracted to that. I would really recommend really thinking about that fund back. I really hope that this video is helpful to you guys anywhere.