What is NYU to You? (With Lachlan and Kyle)

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I'm going to ask him a few questions about what they think of him. I come from such a different perspective on a lot of ways. So I've just loved that dynamic and getting Tio like talk to the diversity of people that are here but then also loan, like has to help people pursuing that all sorts of different ways. How can connect with that? Yeah, and so I know your freshman like, well, how would you describe your major like, what's it like? And like in general, the classes you take in like, how would you describe them? Are they hard or the easy or the interesting? I mean, I've only taken one psychology class right now. I think most of my courses are interdisciplinary and like Mix it up. Now, taking to inter class and stuff is different and thirty in Chinese, too, which is just like like a wild card, a little ways. That's what they say, all right, but then I've also been really treated by like I had a couple classes first, Mr where people did talk about a broader injury ideas than expected and that, to me is like, Amazing. It's wonderful to get to experience that, Yeah, what do you say that it might use like a really academically competitive school like, Is it high pressure or what you say it's more laid back? Do you feel stressed out a lot with classes? No, personally, no. I guess you gotta compared to like high school, like, if this is like someone who's like in high school now, should they feel like they're about to be? When we're stressed out? You know, I think college, you have so much more free time. So I'd say like, if it wasn't and if it wasn't for my Chinese class, I think you we're not like it has. I think a lot of that has to do with us, Not like my Chinese teacher talkto. Yeah, and people are gonna have things to do and like for even for myself, it's not typical. Whatever may have you like all this different stuff, it's all there all the time, and there's always people to catch up with stuff like that. So I know you're saying like it's not that common for people on campus to be like super religious. You see a lot of hipsters, like people, just everyone this year, like it's the non religious diagnostic, the super religious, the moderate religious like like everyone is here, like like we somehow form like this community that we call it what you like. It's like everybody can have something to say and it's so diverse and like, you know, like Lachlan, me and Kevin are all roommates, and we all have, like, different views on so many things. We're so diverse and opinions, I think that, like, represents, it's like our room is kind of like a microcosm of, like anyway, missing the point, I think I mean, of course, I think there is a like a dominant culture. You're not going to find many people who think differently politically. Like, I mean, I still like stuff with fight that's still, like, kind of different people, but that said, here it's just a hole in the boat like in at this point, I'm just like I'm just like, I don't even know. Yeah, it sze throwing everything because such a different one, like spiritually. I think there are some conservative like opinions and views. Like when you're politically conservative, I feel like a lot of people who are politically conservative are in the closet here like they don't want to come out like it's true. I think one of the best things I have found is simply be a stereotypical. The weapons you need to be in a place is so many different kinds of people, you know, like find that little place is the fact that I can go to so many different communities and hear so many different perspectives. There are so many different pockets of people to like. That's an environment like Nana and these opportunities, if you don't you don't find anywhere else and that to me it's the conversations I get to have people as totally blowing My expectations about university would be like out of bio print with. I think I think the worst thing I would say is the and this is the engine thing. I think that predominant culture idea, I do think there can be this like very Korea like the if you submit if you're within any of these ideas you fit into this category, is it? I feel like there's definitely an otherness that comes with when you're out in that, like, liberal, spiritually but not religious of faith based on sort of line of thought. By the same token, for everyone's sake, from my safe people who a kind of for within that line on all different sort of ways, I think that could grow a lot because we champion es I wasn't being open minded. Then when we meet someone who we think might be ignorant, someway, we close ourselves off to them name because I'm not open minded of ways. I think that's a pretty strong piece of their culture here at times. They're like, Oh, yeah, your this person signed blah, blah, blah like they know you on, like, a first name basis. You know more about me than me, Okay? Everybody knows each other and like, that's like sometimes, not like, I don't know, it gets annoying at times. You get to choose, you know, and the worst thing would I have to go with Lachlan like we're really cliquey like Stern. Oh, yeah, I was like, I think like one thing that I noticed just like e think like one thing that I've noticed. It's kind of the fact that, uh, e Yeah, I think one thing that I've noticed with, like, living on campus is a freshman is the carpet. Why you does try toe like put people who are different from one another in the same room, like And I think that you, Laughlin and Kevin are like a really good example of, like, putting three very different people in our room. So like you, lawful and Kevin are all in a different school, and you're all from different places. Um, and so I think that kind of helps to integrate it just a little bit because they tried out two people put people with, like, the same major, the same school in the same place that people from the same state or country in the same place. So I think that does, like, help open it up just a little bit because, like, I don't think I really would have, like, known someone from, like, the school of social work, that so small if you were on my floor.