Efficiency dorm room at Carlyle court

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This is like a one bedroom apartment, and my roommate and I lived in the living room. It's a little bit less privacy, but we've got a curtain. Why you you get a bathroom, So no matter where you go, you're not gonna have to share with a bunch of people. I'll show us the kitchen now, so I'm so sorry about the dishes. You're going to get the full college experience anyways. For the kitchen, the only things that are included in the kitchen is like all of the appliances and everything we've got. Basically everything else, like the microwave and the the toaster and the drying rack and everything. You've gotta buy that yourself, so just keep in mind apartment style is amazing because you don't have to, like, go out to the dining hall and get your food. Just keep in mind that you will have to, like, do a little bit more shopping and going into the main area of my room. Here's a little like dining area, just a little like table. Like I was saying before, this is an efficiency room, so it's bigger, But you actually don't get as much privacy. So my roommate and I just split this one from Amazon. There's, like, thirty bucks, and now we're stepping into my room. Another protest I have for you guys get a rug in college. It's like it's a lifesaver because, you know, the floors, they're not always the cleanest. Another tip I would have just get like, one of these things. It's like a mask because, you know, you never know if you remain, has an eight a M or something and you're gonna want to sleep in Andi. Here's just my dresser and I have a little plant and the view of the courtyard.