Welcome to Stony Brook University

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My name is Washed a Kindle, and I'm occurred first year student here at Stony Brook University. I'm currently majoring in twisted environmental studies with a minor in geospatial Science, and I was born and raised in Queens, New York So coming from the New York City area to a large and diverse school like Stony Brook was definitely an exciting experience for me. There's always a lot happening on campus, so just to get into the swing of things, I'm going to tell you a little bit more about the university itself. For the most part, a lot of people do know Stony Brook as this really big and popular stem school. We're currently in the top 25 Forbes Strange Stem School's list, but the truth of the matter is, Storybrooke has a very wide and diverse range of academic programs that you can choose from. SPU actually offers over 200 majors miners and combined a few programs. So there really is no lack of academic options that students can choose from here. I would have to say that the biggest aspect of my first year experience here, which truly made me realize how awesome as he really is is the undergraduate college systems or Yuji sees. In essence, the purpose of the species is to group like minded students together into these smaller and close knit communities. Just some students have a better understanding and familiarity of the resource is that they have access to, as well as being able to network and branch out and really just be able to meet other fellow peers and staff and faculty members who have similar interests. At the end of the day really gives students just a home away from home. In total, there are six Yuji sees on campus, and the Yuji sees all come with a residential living claude and a common themes. So the Yuji see that I'm a part of is, which stands for information and technology studies, and that's affiliated with Mendelssohn Quad. And then there's also other Yuji sees, like leadership in service, which is an H Wad Global Studies, which is with Roosevelt Quad. There's also human development and Kelly Quad Science and Society and Raw Quad, and there's also art, culture and humanities and table er quad. So the doorman experience here, as I was coming in at as like, a completely new first year student was not what I was expecting. It really just surpassed my expectations completely. So now been discussed with you guys, the door Ming and living experience here on campus.